Okay, I just released version 1.10.4 of the Post and Page Builder. The release includes the ability to disable the buttons component with a WordPress filter. By disabling it, the button CSS will no longer be saved into the custom stylesheet when making color palette changes. Also, you will no longer be able to insert the button component with the UI since it depends on the CSS.
Here’s what you’ll need to do.
1. Add the following to your themes functions.php
add_filter( 'BoldgridEditor\PageBuilder', function ( $configs ) {
$configs['components']['buttons'] = false;
return $configs;
} );
This will update the configuration that we use to control the way the builder behaves.
2. Reapply your saved color palette.
– Within the Post and Page Builder, change your color palette any other color palette. For help see: https://www.boldgrid.com/support/boldgrid-post-and-page-builder/configuring-your-color-palette-with-3rd-party-themes/
– Change your Color Palette back to the original
– Update your page or post
Since the override prevents the button styles from being saved into the custom styles, we need to regenerate the saved file. An easy way to do this is by toggling your current color palette. Saving will apply the changes. Don’t worry if the button styles don’t disappear at first after you save the button styles will be gone.
Let me know if you have any issues. I’m sorry you ran into conflicts with a Bootstrap theme. We will continue to improve theme compatibility and make integration easier.