• Resolved dtwx


    I followed the FAQ

      <?php echo '<div class="paginate-container hidden-lg hidden-md hidden-sm col-xs-12">';
        wp_paginate('title=<div class="paginate-title col-xs-12"><span class="title">Pages:</span></div>&before=<div class="paginate-pages col-xs-12">&after=</div>&range=1&anchor=1&gap=0');
      echo '</div>'; ?>

    I feel like that should work but it doesn’t. ‘title’ comes out OK but not ‘before’ and ‘after’.

    Have I made a mistake? Also, I find it odd that ‘title’ can take HTML arguements but those still get wrapped in a <span>

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author AlanP57


    Could you post a link to the page containing the pagination?

    Thread Starter dtwx


    Thanks, it’s here: https://www.staging2.healthwatchbucks.co.uk/category/news/

    I’ve marked the section with <!-- mobile wp-paginate -->

    Plugin Author AlanP57


    Ok, I’m looking into the issue with the ‘before’ parameter. I hope to get back to you tomorrow.

    Plugin Author AlanP57


    I’ve modified the plugin to override the default before and after settings with ones passed in via the wp_paginate function. It has been uploaded as a development version and you can download it by going to https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/wp-paginate/advanced/ where at the bottom of the page under ‘PREVIOUS VERSIONS’ is a dropdown list, select version 2.0.7 and click the download button. Manually upload it to your site overwriting the existing plugin.

    Try it and let us know how it works and then it can be released for everyone.

    Thread Starter dtwx


    Thanks, I can confirm the change works. My before and after code is shown.

    However, this doesn’t do what I expected. I didn’t expect this code to be placed before title. I expected it to be placed after title but before the pagination links. The FAQ may need rewording.

    Thanks again!

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