• Resolved ilyapokrov


    For many days I have been racking my brains over how to solve one problem, but nothing happens =)
    Can you tell me the code I need to use?
    There are goods that are divided into 3 values: “Adults”, “Children”, “Babies”.
    In turn, these products have gender, but the file is not specified correctly, like this:

    <param name=”Age”> – “Adults”, “Children”, “Babies”
    <param name=”gender”> – “male”, “female”, “None”

    “Adults” – “male”, “female”
    “Children” – “male”
    “Babies” – “None”

    How to write code like this so that:
    If the product is “Adults”, then write down what is indicated in the file, if the product is “children” or the product “Babies”, then write down this value – “For girls | For boys”

    I understand that I am not going too far when I ask you to help me, nevertheless I really hope that you can tell =)

    My code is half working. Products for children still have the meaning “for male”:


    ///////////* Gender Attribute*/
    function my_map_data( $data ) {
        $map = array(
    		'male' => 'for male',
    		'female' => 'for female',
    		'None' => 'for girls|for boys',
        return ( array_key_exists( $data, $map ) ) ? $map[ $data ] : $data;
    • This topic was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by ilyapokrov.
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  • Plugin Author WP All Import


    Hi @ilyapokrov,

    You’d need to pass both the gender and the age to your function like this:


    Then, process the data in the function. Here is an untested example that you can modify as needed:

    function my_parse_data( $age, $gender ) {
        $age    = strtolower( $age );
        $gender = strtolower( $gender );
        if ( $age == 'adults' ) {
            return 'for ' . $gender;
        } elseif ( $age == 'babies' || $age == 'children' ) {
            return 'For girls | For boys';
        } else {
            if ( $gender == 'none' ) {
                return 'for girls|for boys';
        return 'for ' . $gender;
    Thread Starter ilyapokrov


    That’s what I need! Many thanks! Thank you very much!

    Thread Starter ilyapokrov


    But what to do when you need to use the previously obtained value using a formula?
    For example, I rewritten using the “Category” function, and in order to determine the “size” attribute I need to use the resulting category.
    I have already written the code, checked it – it works. But I cannot display it in the attribute. Tried it like this:
    Get a category

    Get the attribute

    Thread Starter ilyapokrov



    After several attempts, I still managed to achieve the result =)
    I wrote down the formula as follows:

    There is also a drawback of this method – a very long catalog update. Apparently such formulas slow down the update process very much.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by ilyapokrov.
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