Hi Matt,
I have done the clean install of wordpress 4.7.1 using the Twenty Fifteen theme with the following plugins activated:
Siteorigin Pagebuilder
Site Origin Widgets Bundle
Foo Gallery
FooBox Image Lightbox
FooGallery – ZOOM!
FooGallery Owl Carousel Template
I found the following:
The Add foogallery button does NOT work with the site origin editor.
When the carousel is added using siteorigin editor with the short code the carousel works fine it just cant be added using the add foogallery button with the siteorigin editor.
This is the same with all other standard wordpress themes.
I then added the evolve+ (Paid Version) theme Which I regularly use, by theme4press and activated it and the owl carousel did not show so it appears that this theme is having some effect preventing the galleries showing when using the above configuration with the evolve+ theme.
If the unpaid version of the theme evolve is used it works fine except for the add foogallery button!
So I think there are two issues firstly the siteorigin editor does not allow the add foogallery button to work and secondly there is an issue with the evolve+ theme preventing the addition of foo gallery shortcodes.
I Posted on site origin support the following:
I am unable to add Foogalery using the “”Add foogallery”” button in the siteorigin editor as the button does not work with the editor now but works fine when I revert back to the standard wordpress page editor?
Also If I try to add the wordpress rich text editor widget the widget opens but the text editor does not as this button does not work either.
All my wordpress, themes, and plugins are at the latest version and the issues only occur when using siteorigin pagebuilder and not with any other pagebuilders I use.
I have had the following response from Siteorigin today:
Thanks for letting us know about this. I’ve logged this as a potential bug in our issue tracker. We’ll investigate this as soon as possible and try come up with a fix.
So I guess I will get on to theme4press to get the evolve+ theme sorted and await further response to the siteorigin issue.
I will let you know when I hear anything further.