• I have searched as best I could through these forums and googled as well; I am feeling particularly dense. I cannot seem to find out how to make comments to my own blog without having to fill in name and email address.

    If I’m logged on, shouldn’t I be able to answer in the comments section without filling things out?

    I hope my question has made sense.

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  • Made lots of sense. Perhaps this hack will help you:


    I believe something along these lines is being added to 1.5.

    Thread Starter ejm


    Thank you. That does look like it might do the trick… however, (sadly still in my obtuse mode, it seems) where exactly is the code supposed to go?

    (again, edit it into wp-comments-post.php, somewhere after $comment_author is assigned):

    I do not see any reference to $comment_author in wp-comments-post.php.


    It sounds like you’re using 1.2.x? Either follow the instructions I laid out here, or, look specifically for this line in wp-comments-post.php:

    $wpdb->query("INSERT INTO $tablecomments ... etc.

    And right above that line, place:


    if ($user_login && empty($author)) {
    $author = $user_nickname;
    $email = $user_email;
    $url = $user_url;

    Thread Starter ejm


    Yes, indeed, it is vs.1.2.2. Hmmm. It is still not doing what I had hoped – which is to fill in the window as me.

    The fields are not populated by the code, since that would have to exist (along with some modifications) in the wp-comments.php file to do it. The above simply assures that a logged-in user will have his or her comment posted under their login info.


    What modifications would I have to make to wp-comments.php?

    (Sorry that this is going back and forth and about not noticing the thread that addresses this. It’s always a problem when one doesn’t know what keywords to use until after one knows some of the answer)

    Some day I might write a book…

    Note that comment inputs don’t need to be filled in with the hacks I’ve pointed out. Though they won’t appear, they’re still correctly submitted with the comment (so fields can be left blank).

    In any case, if you *run*:

    <?php get_currentuserinfo(); ?>

    …before the comment form in wp-comments.php, you can then echo out the user variables as default value attributes for the appropriate form inputs. But as you’ll probably want to keep the regular cookie values for anyone not logged in, try this (again, before the comment form):

    <?php get_currentuserinfo();
    if($user_login) {
    $comment_author = $user_nickname;
    $comment_author_email = $user_email;
    $comment_author_url = $user_url;
    } ?>

    This resets commenter variable values to those of the user’s login.

    Thread Starter ejm


    That works perfectly now! Many thanks, Kafkaesqui.

    Great – just what I was looking for – thanks!

    Question: Is there a way to clear the author info after hitting submit? Apparently, this is left in a cookie somewhere and as I share a computer I would prefer folks not posting as me. ??

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