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  • Subharanjan


    Increase the width of “wrap” class in css from 940px to something, then manipulate the left-sidebar and content-wrap as you wish.

    Thread Starter corkenstein


    Thanks but I’ve already tried that with no success. In order to increase the middle column width, I had to search on the forums for code that does not appear in the original theme code.



    As is, your sidebar is set to more than 100% — which is invalid and impossible:

    #sidebar-subsidiary {
        clear: both;
        margin: 0 auto;
        overflow: visible;
        padding: 30px 0 0;
        width: 103.4%;

    You have a set width of 940 on the “wrap” div — then inside that “main” and “sidebar-subsidiary” widths MUST add up to no more than 940px OR no more than 100%. It’s simply a question of math.



    Try something like:

    #main {
      width: 80%;
    #sidebar-subsidiary {
      width: 20%;



    Yes, WpYogi is correct.. total width should be 100% which currently 940px and you can increase this to 960px, 980px.. etc and divide the sidebar, content width accordingly say 20%, 80% or 30%, 70%


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