• Hi

    Does anyone have experience with this issue?

    I also send this question to the Toolset company… they asked me to activate debugging , but there are no issues to be found

    What happen is this

    I set up some wysiwyg custom post fields in types and added these to the template with the custom fields box… no problem so far

    When i enter some content in the default text editor of wordpress for the given post, and i view that in front end with google elements (or ff element inspector) i can see that there are p tags generated (although these aren’t visible in dashboard but i guess these are added automatically)… 2 enters equals extra white space etc. no problem here


    when i add some text in the custom field text editor (paragraph is selected) there are no p tags generated not in back end and not in front end…

    also when i add it manually (this also goes for
    tag) it is gone after saving

    This affects that that part of text is all put in one line instead of seperate lines and css is hard to do for that…

    here is my problems post

    and here is a page where you can check it out

    Hope someone in this forum has had same issues and knows how to solve them…

    i came across this post, but i can’t figure that out

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