P2: How to make input in 'post-form' fields required?
Hello all!
I am working up (with help) a modified version of the current P2 (1.2.3) front page ‘quickpress’ post form.
The main change is that a ‘category selector’ has been added to the form.
Also, the ‘post types’ (status, etc) have been removed.
What I am needing help with is making the ‘title’ input text and ‘category’ selection required. The post text is already required, so I just want the title and category to behave the same way (trigger the red ‘this field is required’ text).
Anyone out there willing to help out? Please? ??
I do not have a public-facing version of my site to share. If that is absolutely necessary to help you help me, I can get that set up.
But for now I will paste in the current code from the two files I see affected by this modification: post-form.php and p2.js.
<?php /** * @package WordPress * @subpackage P2 */ ?> <script type="text/javascript"> /* <![CDATA[ */ jQuery(document).ready(function($) { jQuery('#post_cat').val($('#post-types a.selected').attr('id')); $('#post-types a').click(function(e) { jQuery('.post-input').hide(); $('#post-types a').removeClass('selected'); jQuery(this).addClass('selected'); if ($(this).attr('id') == 'post') { jQuery('#posttitle').val("<?php echo esc_js( __('Post Title', 'p2') ); ?>"); } else { jQuery('#posttitle').val(''); } jQuery('#postbox-type-' + $(this).attr('id')).show(); jQuery('#post_cat').val($(this).attr('id')); return false; }); }); /* ]]> */ </script> <?php // set default post type $post_type = p2_get_posting_type(); ?> <div id="postbox"> <ul id="post-types"> <li><a id="status"<?php if ( $post_type == 'status' ) : ?> class="selected"<?php endif; ?> href="<?php echo site_url( '?p=status' ); ?>" title="<?php _e( 'Status Update', 'p2' ); ?>"><?php _e( 'Status Update', 'p2' ); ?></a></li> <li><a id="post"<?php if ( $post_type == 'post' ) : ?> class="selected"<?php endif; ?> href="<?php echo site_url( '?p=post' ); ?>" title="<?php _e( 'Blog Post', 'p2' ); ?>"><?php _e( 'Blog Post', 'p2' ); ?></a></li> </ul> <div class="avatar"> <?php p2_user_avatar( 'size=48' ); ?> </div> <div class="inputarea"> <form id="new_post" name="new_post" method="post" action="<?php echo site_url(); ?>/"> <?php if ( 'post' == p2_get_posting_type() || '' == p2_get_posting_type() ) : ?> <label for="posttext"> <?php p2_user_prompt(); ?> </label> <?php endif; ?> <div id="postbox-type-post" class="post-input <?php if ( 'post' == p2_get_posting_type() ) echo ' selected'; ?>"> <div class="clear"></div><input type="text" name="posttitle" id="posttitle" tabindex="1" value="Title it" onfocus="this.value=(this.value=='<?php echo esc_js( __( 'Post Title - Required', 'p2' ) ); ?>') ? '' : this.value;" onblur="this.value=(this.value=='') ? '<?php echo esc_js( __( 'Post Title - Required', 'p2' ) ); ?>' : this.value;" /> </div> <?php if ( current_user_can( 'upload_files' ) ): ?> <div id="media-buttons" class="hide-if-no-js"> <?php echo P2::media_buttons(); ?> </div> <?php endif; ?> <textarea class="expand70-200" name="posttext" id="posttext" tabindex="1" rows="4" cols="60"></textarea> <div id="postbox-type-quote" class="post-input <?php if ( 'quote' == p2_get_posting_type() ) echo " selected"; ?>"> <label for="postcitation" class="invisible"><?php _e( 'Citation', 'p2' ); ?></label> <input id="postcitation" name="postcitation" type="text" tabindex="2" value="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Citation', 'p2' ); ?>" onfocus="this.value=(this.value=='<?php echo esc_js( __( 'Citation', 'p2' ) ); ?>') ? '' : this.value;" onblur="this.value=(this.value=='') ? '<?php echo esc_js( __( 'Citation', 'p2' ) ); ?>' : this.value;" /> </div> <label class="post-error" for="posttext" id="posttext_error"></label> <div class="postrow"> <input id="tags" name="tags" type="text" tabindex="2" autocomplete="off" value="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Tag it', 'p2' ); ?>" onfocus="this.value=(this.value=='<?php echo esc_js( __( 'Tag it', 'p2' ) ); ?>') ? '' : this.value;" onblur="this.value=(this.value=='') ? '<?php echo esc_js( __( 'Tag it', 'p2' ) ); ?>' : this.value;" /> <input id="submit" type="submit" tabindex="3" value="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Post it', 'p2' ); ?>" /> <select name="drop_cat" id="drop_catqp"> <option value=""><?php echo attribute_escape(__('Categorize it')); ?></option> <?php $categories= get_categories(); foreach ($categories as $cat) { $option = '<option value="'.$cat->category_nicename.'">'; $option .= $cat->cat_name; $option .= ' ('.$cat->category_count.')'; $option .= '</option>'; echo $option; } ?> </select> </div> <input type="hidden" name="post_cat" id="post_cat" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $post_type ); ?>" /> <span class="progress" id="ajaxActivity"> <img src="<?php echo str_replace( WP_CONTENT_DIR, content_url(), locate_template( array( 'i/indicator.gif' ) ) ); ?>" alt="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Loading...', 'p2' ); ?>" title="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Loading...', 'p2' ); ?>"/> </span> <?php do_action( 'p2_post_form' ); ?> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="post" /> <?php wp_nonce_field( 'new-post' ); ?> </form> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <!-- // postbox -->
var loggedin = false; jQuery(function($) { edCanvas = document.getElementById('posttext'); jQuery('#comment-submit').live( 'click', function() { if (loggedin == true) window.onbeforeunload = null; }); if (isUserLoggedIn) { // Checks if you are logged in and try to input data (To fix for ONLY private posts.) jQuery('.inputarea, #comment, .comment-reply-link, #comment-submit').click(function() { jQuery.ajax({ type: "POST", url: ajaxUrl +'&action=logged_in_out&_loggedin=' + nonce, success: function(result) { if (result != 'logged_in') { newNotification('Please login again.'); window.location = login_url; } else { loggedin = true; } } }); }); } window.onbeforeunload = function (e) { if (jQuery('#posttext').val() || jQuery('#comment').val()) { var e = e || window.event; if (e) { // For IE and Firefox e.returnValue = p2txt.unsaved_changes; } return p2txt.unsaved_changes; // For Safari } }; /* * Insert new comment inline */ function insertCommentInline(postParent, comment_parent, commentHtml, showNotification) { postParent = "#"+postParent; $(postParent).children('ul.commentlist').show(); $(postParent).children('.discussion').hide(); if (0 == comment_parent) { if (0 == $(postParent).children('ul.commentlist').length) { $(postParent).append('<ul class="commentlist inlinecomments"></ul>'); commentsLists = $("ul.commentlist"); } $(postParent).children('ul.commentlist').append('<div class="temp_newComments_cnt"></div>'); var newComment = $(postParent).children('ul.commentlist').children('div.temp_newComments_cnt'); } else { comment_parent = '#comment-' + comment_parent; //$(comment_parent).toggle(); if (0 == $(comment_parent).children('ul.children').length) { $(comment_parent).append('<ul class="children"></ul>'); } $(comment_parent).children('ul.children').append('<div class="temp_newComments_cnt"></div>'); var newComment = $(comment_parent).children('ul.children').children('div.temp_newComments_cnt'); } newComment.html(commentHtml); var newCommentsLi = newComment.children('li'); newCommentsLi.addClass("newcomment"); newCommentsLi.slideDown( 200, function() { var cnt = newComment.contents(); newComment.children('li.newcomment').each(function() { if (isElementVisible(this) && !showNotification) { $(this).animate({backgroundColor:'transparent'}, {duration: 1000}, function(){ $(this).removeClass('newcomment'); }); } bindActions(this, 'comment'); }); localizeMicroformatDates(newComment); newComment.replaceWith(cnt); }); } /* * Insert and animate new comments into recent comments widget */ function insertCommentWidget(widgetHtml) { $("table.p2-recent-comments").each(function() { var t = $(this); var avatar_size = t.attr('avatar'); if (avatar_size == '-1') widgetHtml = widgetHtml.replace(/<td.*?<\/td>/, ''); $("tbody", t).html( widgetHtml + $("tbody", t).html()); var newCommentsElement = $("tbody tr:first", t); newCommentsElement.fadeIn("slow"); $("tbody tr:last", t).fadeOut("slow").remove(); tooltip($("tbody tr:first td a.tooltip", t)); if (isElementVisible(newCommentsElement)) { $(newCommentsElement).removeClass('newcomment'); } }); } /* * Check for new posts and loads them inline */ function getPosts(showNotification){ if (showNotification == null) { showNotification = true; } toggleUpdates('unewposts'); var queryString = ajaxUrl +'&action=get_latest_posts&load_time=' + pageLoadTime + '&frontpage=' + isFirstFrontPage + '&vp=' + postsOnPageQS; ajaxCheckPosts = $.getJSON(queryString, function(newPosts){ if (newPosts != null) { pageLoadTime = newPosts.lastposttime; if (!isFirstFrontPage || (typeof newPosts.html == "undefined") ) { newUnseenUpdates = newUnseenUpdates+newPosts.numberofnewposts; message = p2txt.n_new_updates.replace('%d', newUnseenUpdates) + " <a href=\"" + wpUrl +"\">"+p2txt.goto_homepage+"</a>"; newNotification(message); } else { $("#main > ul > li:first").before(newPosts.html); var newUpdatesLi = $("#main > ul > li:first"); newUpdatesLi.hide().slideDown(200, function() { $(this).addClass('newupdates'); }); var counter = 0; $('#posttext_error, #commenttext_error').hide(); newUpdatesLi.each(function() { // Add post to postsOnPageQS list var thisId = $(this).attr("id"); vpostId = thisId.substring(thisId.indexOf('-')+1); postsOnPageQS+= "&vp[]=" + vpostId; if (!(thisId in postsOnPage)) postsOnPage.unshift(thisId); // Bind actions to new elements bindActions(this, 'post'); if (isElementVisible(this) && !showNotification) { $(this).animate({backgroundColor:'transparent'}, 2500, function(){ $(this).removeClass('newupdates'); titleCount(); }); } localizeMicroformatDates(this); counter++; }); if (counter >= newPosts.numberofnewposts && showNotification) { var updatemsg = isElementVisible('#main > ul >li:first') ? "" : "<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"jumpToTop();\" \">"+p2txt.jump_to_top+"</a>" ; newNotification(p2txt.n_new_updates.replace('%d', counter) + " " + updatemsg); titleCount(); } } $('.newupdates > h4, .newupdates > div').hover( removeYellow, removeYellow ); } }); //Turn updates back on toggleUpdates('unewposts'); } /* * Check for new comments and loads them inline and into the recent-comments widgets */ function getComments(showNotification){ if (showNotification == null) { showNotification = true; } toggleUpdates('unewcomments'); var queryString = ajaxUrl +'&action=get_latest_comments&load_time=' + pageLoadTime + '&lcwidget=' + lcwidget; queryString += postsOnPageQS; ajaxCheckComments = $.getJSON(queryString, function(newComments) { if (newComments != null) { $.each(newComments.comments, function(i,comment) { pageLoadTime = newComments.lastcommenttime; if (comment.widgetHtml) { insertCommentWidget(comment.widgetHtml); } if (comment.html != '') { var thisParentId = 'prologue-'+comment.postID; insertCommentInline(thisParentId, comment.commentParent, comment.html, showNotification); } }); if (showNotification) { newNotification(p2txt.n_new_comments.replace('%d', newComments.numberofnewcomments)); } } }); toggleUpdates('unewcomments'); } /* * Submits a new post via ajax */ function newPost(trigger) { var thisForm = $(trigger.target); var thisFormElements = $('#posttext, #posttitle, #tags, :input',thisForm).not('input[type=hidden]'); var submitProgress = thisForm.find('span.progress'); var post_subscribe = ( $('#post_subscribe').attr('checked') ) ? 'post_subscribe' : 'false'; var posttext = $.trim($('#posttext').val()); var posttitle = $.trim($('#posttitle').val()); if(jQuery('.no-posts')) jQuery('.no-posts').hide(); if ("" == posttext) { $("label#posttext_error").text('This field is required').show().focus(); return false; } if ("" == posttitle) { $("label#posttitle_error").text('This field is required').show().focus(); return false; } toggleUpdates('unewposts'); if (typeof ajaxCheckPosts != "undefined") ajaxCheckPosts.abort(); $("label#posttext_error").hide(); $("label#posttitle_error").hide(); thisFormElements.attr('disabled', true); thisFormElements.addClass('disabled'); submitProgress.show(); var tags = $('#tags').val(); if (tags == p2txt.tagit) tags = ''; var post_cat = $('#post_cat').val(); var post_title = $('#posttitle').val(); var post_citation = $('#postcitation').val(); /*var args = {action: 'new_post', _ajax_post:nonce, posttext: posttext, tags: tags, post_cat: post_cat, post_title: post_title, post_citation: post_citation, post_subscribe: post_subscribe };*/ var drop_cat = $('#drop_cat').val(); var args = {action: 'new_post', _ajax_post:nonce, posttext: posttext, tags: tags, post_cat: post_cat, drop_cat: drop_cat, post_title: post_title, post_citation: post_citation }; var errorMessage = ''; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: ajaxUrl, data: args, success: function(result) { if ("0" == result) errorMessage = p2txt.not_posted_error; $('#posttext').val(''); $('#tags').val(p2txt.tagit); if(errorMessage != '') newNotification(errorMessage); if ( post_subscribe == "post_subscribe" ) $('#post_subscribe').attr('checked', false); //if ($.suggest) // $('ul.ac_results').css('display', 'none'); // Hide tag suggestion box if displayed if (isFirstFrontPage && result != "0") { getPosts(false); } else if (!isFirstFrontPage && result != "0") { newNotification(p2txt.update_posted); } submitProgress.fadeOut(); thisFormElements.attr('disabled', false); thisFormElements.removeClass('disabled'); }, error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { submitProgress.fadeOut(); thisFormElements.attr('disabled', false); thisFormElements.removeClass('disabled'); }, timeout: 60000 }); thisFormElements.blur(); toggleUpdates('unewposts'); } function newNotification(message) { $("#notify").stop(true).prepend(message + '<br/>') .fadeIn() .animate({opacity: 0.7}, 3000) .fadeOut('3000', function() { $("#notify").html(''); }).click(function() { $(this).stop(true).fadeOut('fast').html(''); }); } /* * Submits a new comment via ajax */ function newComment(trigger) { var thisForm = $(trigger.target); var thisFormElements = $('#comment, #comment-submit, :input', thisForm).not('input[type=hidden]'); var submitProgress = thisForm.find('span.progress'); var commenttext = $.trim($('#comment', thisForm).val()); if ('' == commenttext) { $("label#commenttext_error").text('This field is required').show().focus(); return false; } if (!isPage) toggleUpdates('unewcomments'); if (typeof ajaxCheckComments != "undefined") ajaxCheckComments.abort(); if ('inline' == $("label#commenttext_error").css('display')) $("label#commenttext_error").hide(); thisFormElements.attr('disabled', true); thisFormElements.addClass('disabled'); submitProgress.show(); var comment_post_ID = $('#comment_post_ID').val(); var comment_parent = $('#comment_parent').val(); var subscribe_blog = ( $('#subscribe_blog').attr('checked') ) ? 'subscribe' : 'false'; var subscribe = ( $('#subscribe').attr('checked') ) ? 'subscribe' : 'false'; var dataString = {action: 'new_comment' , _ajax_post: nonce, comment: commenttext, comment_parent: comment_parent, comment_post_ID: comment_post_ID, subscribe: subscribe, subscribe_blog: subscribe_blog}; if (!isUserLoggedIn) { dataString['author'] = $('#author').val(); dataString['email'] = $('#email').val(); dataString['url'] = $('#url').val(); } var errorMessage = ''; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: ajaxUrl, data: dataString, success: function(result) { submitProgress.fadeOut(); $("#respond").slideUp( 200, function() { var lastComment = $("#respond").prev("li"); if (isNaN(result) || 0 == result || 1 == result) errorMessage = result; $('#comment').val(''); if (errorMessage != "") newNotification(errorMessage); getComments(false); if (!isPage) toggleUpdates('unewcomments'); thisFormElements.attr('disabled', false); thisFormElements.removeClass('disabled'); }); } }); } function newNotification(message) { $("#notify").stop(true).prepend(message + '<br/>') .fadeIn() .animate({opacity: 0.7}, 2000) .fadeOut('1000', function() { $("#notify").html(''); }).click(function() { $(this).stop(true).fadeOut('fast').html(''); }); } /* * Handles tooltips for the recent-comment widget * param: anchor link */ function tooltip(alink){ xOffset = 10; yOffset = 20; alink.hover(function(e){ this.t = this.title; this.title = ""; $("body").append("<div id='tooltip'>"+ this.t +"</div>"); $("#tooltip") .css("top",(e.pageY - yOffset) + "px") .css("left",(e.pageX + xOffset) + "px") .fadeIn("fast"); }, function(){ this.title = this.t; $("#tooltip").remove(); }); alink.mousemove(function(e){ $("#tooltip") .css("top",(e.pageY - yOffset) + "px") .css("left",(e.pageX + xOffset) + "px"); }); }; function isElementVisible(elem) { elem = $(elem); if (!elem.length) { return false; } var docViewTop = $(window).scrollTop(); var docViewBottom = docViewTop + $(window).height(); var elemTop = elem.offset().top; var elemBottom = elemTop + elem.height(); var isVisible = ((elemBottom >= docViewTop) && (elemTop <= docViewBottom) && (elemBottom <= docViewBottom) && (elemTop >= docViewTop) ); return isVisible; } function toggleUpdates(updater){ switch (updater) { case "unewposts": if (0 == getPostsUpdate) { getPostsUpdate = setInterval(getPosts, updateRate); } else { clearInterval(getPostsUpdate); getPostsUpdate = '0'; } break; case "unewcomments": if (0 == getCommentsUpdate) { getCommentsUpdate = setInterval(getComments, updateRate); } else { clearInterval(getCommentsUpdate); getCommentsUpdate = '0'; } break; } } function titleCount() { if (isFirstFrontPage) { var n = $('li.newupdates').length; } else { var n = newUnseenUpdates; } if ( n <= 0 ) { if (document.title.match(/\([\d+]\)/)) { document.title = document.title.replace(/(.*)\([\d]+\)(.*)/, "$1$2"); } fluidBadge(""); } else { if (document.title.match(/\((\d+)\)/)) { document.title = document.title.replace(/\((\d+)\)/ , "(" + n + ")" ); } else { document.title = '(1) ' + document.title; } fluidBadge(n); } } /** * Sets the badge for Fluid app enclosed P2. See https://fluidapp.com/ */ function fluidBadge(value) { if (window.fluid) window.fluid.dockBadge = value; } /** * Sets up a jQuery-collection of textareas to expand vertically based * on their content. */ function autgrow(textareas, min) { function sizeToContent(textarea) { textarea.style.height = min + 'em'; if (textarea.scrollHeight > textarea.clientHeight) { textarea.style.height = textarea.scrollHeight + 'px'; } } textareas.css('overflow', 'hidden'); function resizeSoon(e) { var textarea = this; setTimeout(function() { sizeToContent(textarea); }, 1); } textareas.keydown(resizeSoon); // Catch regular character keys textareas.keypress(resizeSoon); // Catch enter/backspace in IE, and held-down repeated keys textareas.focus(resizeSoon); } function jumpToTop() { $.scrollTo('#main', 150); } function inlineEditPost(postId, element) { // Set up editor function defaultText(input, text) { function onFocus() { if (this.value == text) { this.value = ''; } } function onBlur() { if (!this.value) { this.value = text; } } jQuery(input).focus(onFocus).blur(onBlur); onBlur.call(input); } jQuery.getJSON(ajaxUrl, {action: 'get_post', _inline_edit: nonce, post_ID: 'content-' + postId}, function(post) { var jqe = jQuery(element); jqe.addClass('inlineediting'); jqe.find('.tags').css({display: 'none'}); jqe.find('.postcontent > *').hide(); if (post.type == 'page') { jQuery('#main h2').first().hide(); } var postContent = jqe.find('.postcontent'); var titleDiv = document.createElement('div'); if (post.type == 'post' || post.type == 'page') { var titleInput = titleDiv.appendChild( document.createElement('input')); titleInput.type = 'text'; titleInput.className = 'title'; defaultText(titleInput, p2txt.title); titleInput.value = post.title; postContent.append(titleDiv); } var cite = ''; if (post.type == 'quote') { var tmpDiv = document.createElement('div'); tmpDiv.innerHTML = post.content; var cite = $(tmpDiv).find('cite').remove().html(); if (tmpDiv.childNodes.length == 1 && tmpDiv.firstChild.nodeType == 1) { // This _should_ be the case, else below is // to handle an unexpected condition. post.content = tmpDiv.firstChild.innerHTML; } else { post.content = tmpDiv.innerHTML; } } var editor = document.createElement('textarea'); editor.className = 'posttext'; editor.value = post.content; autgrow($(editor), 3); jqe.find('.postcontent').append(editor); var citationDiv = document.createElement('div'); if (post.type == 'quote') { var citationInput = citationDiv.appendChild( document.createElement('input')); citationInput.type = 'text'; citationInput.value = cite; defaultText(citationInput, p2txt.citation); postContent.append(citationDiv); } var bottomDiv = document.createElement('div'); bottomDiv.className = 'row2'; if (post.type != 'page') { var tagsInput = document.createElement('input'); tagsInput.name = 'tags'; tagsInput.className = 'tags'; tagsInput.type = 'text'; tagsInput.value = post.tags.join(', '); defaultText(tagsInput, p2txt.tagit); bottomDiv.appendChild(tagsInput); } else { var tagsInput = ''; } function tearDownEditor() { $(titleDiv).remove(); $(bottomDiv).remove(); $(citationDiv).remove(); $(editor).remove(); jqe.find('.tags').css({display: ''}); jqe.find('.postcontent > *').show(); jqe.removeClass('inlineediting'); if (post.type == 'page') { jQuery('#main h2').first().show(); } } var buttonsDiv = document.createElement('div'); buttonsDiv.className = 'buttons'; var saveButton = document.createElement('button'); saveButton.innerHTML = p2txt.save; jQuery(saveButton).click(function() { var tags = tagsInput.value == p2txt.tagit ? '' : tagsInput.value; var args = { action:'save_post', _inline_edit: nonce, post_ID: 'content-' + postId, content: editor.value, tags: tags }; if (post.type == 'post' || post.type == 'page') { args.title = titleInput.value == p2txt.title ? '' : titleInput.value; } else if (post.type == 'quote') { args.citation = citationInput.value == p2txt.citation ? '' : citationInput.value; } jQuery.post( ajaxUrl, args, function(result) { // Preserve existing H2 for posts jqe.find('.postcontent').html( (post.type == 'post') ? jqe.find('h2').first() : '' ); if (post.type == 'quote') { jqe.find('.postcontent').append('<blockquote>' + result.content + '</blockquote>'); } else { jqe.find('.postcontent').append(result.content); } if (post.type == 'page') { jQuery('#main h2').first().html(result.title); } else { jqe.find('span.tags').html(result.tags); if (!isSingle) { jqe.find('h2 a').first().html(result.title); } else { jqe.find('h2').first().html(result.title); } } tearDownEditor(); }, 'json'); saveButton.parentNode.insertBefore(document.createElement('img'), saveButton).src = templateDir +'/i/indicator.gif'; }); var cancelButton = document.createElement('button'); cancelButton.innerHTML = p2txt.cancel; jQuery(cancelButton).click(tearDownEditor); buttonsDiv.appendChild(saveButton); buttonsDiv.appendChild(cancelButton); bottomDiv.appendChild(buttonsDiv); jqe.find('.postcontent').append(bottomDiv); // Trigger event handlers editor.focus(); jQuery('input[name="tags"]').autocomplete( ajaxUrl + '&action=tag_search', { multiple: true, matchContains:true, matchSubset:false, startmsg: null, delay: 4000, formatItem: function(row) { return row.label; }, formatResult: function(row) { return row.tag; }, hotkeymode:false }); }); } function bindActions(element, type) { $(element).find('a.comment-reply-link').click( function() { $('*').removeClass('replying'); $(this).parents("li").eq(0).addClass('replying'); $("#respond").show(); $("#respond").addClass('replying').show(); $("#comment").focus(); }); switch (type) { case "comment" : var thisCommentEditArea; $(element).hover( removeYellow, removeYellow ); if (inlineEditComments != 0 && isUserLoggedIn) { thisCommentEditArea = $(element).find('div.comment-edit').eq(0); $(element).find('a.comment-edit-link:first').click( function() { thisCommentEditArea.trigger('edit'); return false; }); thisCommentEditArea.editable(ajaxUrl, {event: 'edit', loadurl: ajaxUrl + '&action=get_comment&_inline_edit=' + nonce, id: 'comment_ID', name: 'comment_content', type : 'autogrow', cssclass: 'textedit', rows: '3', indicator : '<img src="' + templateDir +'/i/indicator.gif">', loadtext: p2txt.loading, cancel: p2txt.cancel, submit : p2txt.save, tooltip : '', width: '90%', onblur: 'ignore', submitdata: {action:'save_comment',_inline_edit: nonce}}); } $(".single #postlist li > div.postcontent, .single #postlist li > h4, li[id^='prologue'] > div.postcontent, li[id^='comment'] > div.commentcontent, li[id^='prologue'] > h4, li[id^='comment'] > h4").hover(function() { $(this).parents("li").eq(0).addClass('selected'); }, function() { $(this).parents("li").eq(0).removeClass('selected'); }); break; case "post" : var thisPostEditArea; if (inlineEditPosts != 0 && isUserLoggedIn) { thisPostEditArea = $(element).children('div.editarea').eq(0); jQuery(element).find('a.edit-post-link:first').click( function(e) { var postId = this.rel; inlineEditPost(postId, element); return false; }); } $(".single #postlist li > div.postcontent, .single #postlist li > h4, li[id^='prologue'] > div.postcontent, li[id^='comment'] > div.commentcontent, li[id^='prologue'] > h4, li[id^='comment'] > h4").hover(function() { $(this).parents("li").eq(0).addClass('selected'); }, function() { $(this).parents("li").eq(0).removeClass('selected'); }); break; } } function localizeMicroformatDates(scopeElem) { (scopeElem? $('abbr', scopeElem) : $('abbr')).each(function() { var t = $(this); var d = locale.parseISO8601(t.attr('title')); if (d) t.html(p2txt.date_time_format.replace('%1$s', locale.date(p2txt.time_format, d)).replace('%2$s', locale.date(p2txt.date_format, d))); }); } /* On-load */ commentsLists = $(".commentlist"); locale = new wp.locale(wp_locale_txt); if(!window.location.href.match('#')) $('#posttext').focus(); $(".single #postlist li > div.postcontent, .single #postlist li > h4, li[id^='prologue'] > div.postcontent, li[id^='comment'] > div.commentcontent, li[id^='prologue'] > h4, li[id^='comment'] > h4").hover(function() { $(this).parents("li").eq(0).addClass('selected'); }, function() { $(this).parents("li").eq(0).removeClass('selected'); }); $.ajaxSetup({ timeout: updateRate - 2000, cache: false }); $("#directions-keyboard").click(function(){ $('#help').toggle(); return false; }); $(".show-comments").click(function(){ var commentList = $(this).closest('.post').find('.commentlist'); if (isPage) { commentList = $('.page .commentlist'); } if (commentList.css('display') == 'none') { commentList.show(); 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$(element).blur(); } else { $('#'+commentsOnPost[currComment]).each(function(e) { $(this).removeClass('keyselected'); }); $('#'+postsOnPage[currPost]).each(function(e) { $(this).addClass('keyselected'); }); commentLoop = false; $('#'+postsOnPage[currPost]).each(function(e) { $(this).removeClass('keyselected'); }); currPost =- 1; } $('#help').hide(); break; case 0,191: $("#help").toggle(); if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault(); else e.returnValue = false; break; } } } // Check if recent comments widget is loaded if ($("table.p2-recent-comments").length != 0) { lcwidget = true; } // Activate Tag Suggestions for logged users on front page if (isFrontPage && prologueTagsuggest && isUserLoggedIn) { jQuery('input[name="tags"]').autocomplete( ajaxUrl + '&action=tag_search', { multiple: true, matchContains:true, matchSubset:false, startmsg: null, delay: 400, supressReturn: true, formatItem: function(row) { return row.label; }, formatResult: function(row) { return row.tag; }, hotkeymode:false }); 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