• Hi guys,

    is it possible to hide the home page comments list only?
    If I choose “Hide comment threads by default” in options menu the theme hide the article page comments too.
    I need to hide exclusively the home page’s comments.

    Please, help me, is my last step to the theme modding conclusion…

    [P2 THEME 1.2.3]

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  • I was able to do so by putting the following around the comments area.

    <?php if (!is_home () ) : ?>

    <?php endif; ?>




    How do you hide comments just at index.php or home page at p2 theme?

    I didnt understand it.

    Can you explain better which php file i need to change and which code i need to put to hide comments at home page (index.php) please?


    yes ofcourse you can hide your comments on home page.

    Go to admin->pages and click ‘quick edit’ below the home page menu them unheck the Allow Comments and save your page..



    I′m asking about how do you hide comments just at index.php or home page at p2 theme?

    about “Go to admin->pages and click ‘quick edit’ below the home page menu them unheck the Allow Comments and save your page..”, it doesn′t work!

    I need changes inside p2 theme (php files) please!

    <?php if (!is_home () ) : ?>
    include(TEMPLATEPATH . ‘/comments.php’); // Display comments
    <?php endif; ?>



    hi, kantell,

    i wanna hide the comments just at index.php page (home page)

    which file do i need to put the code?

    and which code to HIDE not display the comments, please?

    i dont understant php, so i need just copy/paste the right code

    thanks for attention

    You put this in the index file. Basically, this code says that if the page is NOT the home page, then show comments. Otherwise, hide them. Put it in place of the comments line that is currently on the index page.



    Hi, Kantell, my index.php s that one bellow it. I′ve tried to use your code but this one You put here is not working for me.

    Where do I put this one in index.php?!

    [Code moderated as per the Forum Rules. Please use the pastebin]

    Where do I put the code in the index.php file?

    Thank you!

    First off, you have errors in your code. Remove “>RSS anywhere it appears.

    Second, I don’t see a call to comments.php. What is the URL?



    Hi, Kantell.

    I use the original P2 theme, its the same!

    Could You put the right code based on the original index.php file of P2 theme with the code that hide comments just at home page, please?!

    ( i use the original theme)

    thanks again!

    I use in js.php in line 166:

    <?php if ( (int) $hide_threads ) : ?>
    			  <?php if ( is_single() ) : ?>
    			  <?php else : ?>
    			  <?php endif; ?>
    			<?php endif; ?>

    how to hide comment in archive page.. in p2 theme….?

    and can be do comment box is up into all listed comment?

    Can anyone please attach some photos? I am a beginner and i need it. Thanks for the post.

    where is post edit the code?? which page??? in p2 theme

    i want to edit post query i want to show post who have open comment…. in home page??? how these possible??

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