• Dave



    I’m using P2 1.5.5. When I want to use the home page post box to write a post that will generate an update on my Facebook page, I get the message “Whoops! Looks like you are not connected to the server. P2 could not connect with WordPress”

    My site is at https://t25b.com

    But I can post and have updates posted on Facebook when I post from the dashboard in the admin area.

    I’m using Jetpack (latest version).

    Does anyone have a fix for this, please? TIA for any help. ??


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  • sacredpath


    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    Hi there, let’s try a basic test first off. In your dashboard, go to Jetpack and disconnect it and then reconnect to your WordPress.com account and try posting from the front page.

    It may also be that there is a server side error that is happening. If you can, try again and when you get the error, then take a look at the error log at your web host. Typically at least a partial error log is accessible through your cPanel.

    Thread Starter Dave


    Hi sacredpath,

    Thanks for responding. ??

    OK, I tried disconnecting Jetpack… Couldn’t figure out how to do it at first… I googled on it and found:

    To disconnect: hover over “Connected to WordPress.com” in the upper right of the Jetpack page. It will turn into a “Disconnect from WordPress.com” link. Click that, then reconnect to WordPress.com when you see the big shiny button to do so.

    Didn’t work for me. In the end, I deactivated the Jetpack plugin, then reactivated it… That worked, at least.

    I checked the Share feature was activated, and that it was connected to my Facebook account. That was OK.

    But, when I go to the front page of my P2-themed site, still I’m getting the message about P2 can’t connect to WordPress.com…

    I’ve tried the whole process with P2 version 1.4.2, and with P2 version 1.5.5, and with a child theme of P2 1.5.5…. Nada, no joy, same message (I think with 1.4.2, I didn’t actually get any message, but no post appeared on my Facebook page.

    What a pity… I’ve modified the css of the theme to fit my tastes, and it took me a few hours to get it right… it’s really strange, because – earlier in September – it was working OK…

    I’ve checked the access log of my Apache server, but there is no error that I can identify…

    What’s happened? How do I fix it? Any advice will be gratefully received. ??

    Thread Starter Dave


    P.S. If you look at my site, I currently have the 1.5.5 child version activated…



    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    I’m going to try and reproduce this behavior and if I can, then I can probably get one of our developers that is familiar with p2 to help me find a solution for you. I’m assuming the issue lies in p2 and not in Jetpack, but in software, assumptions are a dangerous thing. Hang tight and let me see if I can come up with a solution.

    Thread Starter Dave


    Hi sacredpath, ??

    That would be great, and thank you for that initiative. The problem does seem to be the theme and not Jetpack: if I create a post inside the WordPress admin interface, it immediately gets posted to Facebook.

    But the key feature of this P2 theme is the front-page posting box… if that’s broken, then it’s a real pity…



    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    You know, this is just an idea, but p2 is sort of an anomaly and things can go awry with child theming it. Try switching back to the original and see if the facebook publishing works from the front page.

    Let me know if that works.

    Thread Starter Dave


    Hi sacredpath,

    I’ve got the original P2 theme activated on the front page of my site now (I previously had the child activated), but the message is just the same…



    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    Hmmm, well it was worth a shot. At least we know that the issue is not caused by the child theming. Unfortunately P2 is just getting security updates right now, so bug updates are unlikely at this point. The developer thinks this is a server side error.

    I’ll try and recreate this issue once I get my WordPress test site functioning again. (I killed it editing some PHP.)

    Thread Starter Dave


    If you would like any information about which Apache modules are installed/active, oc any other server info, I can send you that by private mail if that could help the developer. And thanks for your help with this. ??



    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    Howdy, we’ve tested this and it seems to work just fine for use on self-hosted installs of p2 with Jetpack.

    It may be a plugin conflict. Try deactivating all plugins except for Jetpack and see if it posts to FB from the front end. If so, turn activate each plugin, one-by-one and test again until you find the one causeing the conflict.

    Anybody figure this issue out?



    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    @jmar42, we’ve not been able to reproduce this. Have you tried disabling all plugins to see if it is a plugin conflict? If you find a plugin conflict in your testing, make sure and let us know. That would help tremendously.

    Yes turned off all plugins. Didn’t do anything. I think a child them I installed messed it up. Took that off and still doesn’t auto update.



    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    @jmar42, do you have JetPack installed and connected to WordPress.com, and do you have the Publicize module activated?

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