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  • Plugin Author codebycarter


    Hey saladgoat,

    Could you email me an admin login so I could take a look at this for you? (me at


    Thread Starter SaladGoat


    That seems unsafe. Is there something I can look for to fix?

    Plugin Author codebycarter


    I understand.

    Upon looking at the screenshot again it looks like it’s trying to scan your wp-content/themes/martin/ folder for files and folders but the folder has insufficient permissions (doesn’t appear to be related to the plugin, but not sure). It’ll probably be easier to ask your host to chmod wp-content/themes/martin to 0755 and see if that works. If not let me know what web hosting control panel you’re using (cPanel, DirectAdmin, etc) I’ll then be able to tell you how to do it yourself.

    Thread Starter SaladGoat


    I have FTP access and logged into the martin folder to find no files whatsoever! I thought that might be the problem….
    However, when I tried to upload the martin files I have on my computer, it kept asking if I wanted to overwrite each one. But there’s nothing there!
    So I backed up and made the chmod changes you suggested and bam, there are all the files. And my site works again. And I re-installed your plugin and it works just fine.
    So I guess my host had a glitch or something (the chmod was set to 396 or something like that) because up to that point I had been working on the site (with this theme) for a week with no issues.
    I don’t know if your plugin triggered something stupid or if it was a completely random coincidence.
    But it works now, and that’s all I care about! ??

    BTW, when I use apostrophes in the Maintenance message, it prefixes them with a backslash on saving. Not sure if that is the desired effect (I know it’s required in some code), but it does it every time I save, so if I save a few times I end up with a series of backslashes.
    ie it’s becomes it\\\\’s
    Know what I mean?

    Anyway, thank you very much for your kind help! Glad to be back at 100% again. ??

    Plugin Author codebycarter


    Hey, glad you got it working.

    If you won’t be using any slashes you could try this for the time being:

    Open wp-bulletin-board/php/admin/wpbb-admin-settings.php at around line 9 you’ll see:

    $maintenance_message = wp_strip_all_tags($_POST['wpbbmaintenancemessage']);

    Change to:

    $maintenance_message = stripslashes(wp_strip_all_tags($_POST['wpbbmaintenancemessage']));

    You may need to copy the text inside the box, save then reenter it and save for it to remove the slashes from the current message ??

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