• Resolved riley454


    I’ve been using this plugin for a while and have settings enabling page editor to default open with PB but recently it has been opening with text editor instead. This happens when opening a page to edit but also after updating/publishing new or modified pages.

    It seems from around the time of the last update this has happened.

    As a result some formatting is lost particularly with HTML widget but also sometimes with Editor and Image widgets.

    Any ideas why this is happening and how I can ensure my pages automatically open with the Page Builder editor?

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  • Plugin Contributor alexgso


    Hi riley454,

    The setting Page Builder setting you’re using does exactly what you’re after so it’s odd that it’s not. Can you try disabling all non-SiteOrigin plugins and see if this fixes the issue? You’ll need to clear all your caches after disabling your plugins.

    If it does fix the issue, then try re-enabling your plugins one by one until the issue comes back. This procedure will help diagnose which plugin is causing the issue.

    Once we know that, we’ll be able to look at what might be causing the conflict and either solve the problem or help you find an alternative plugin.

    If you aren’t using a SiteOrigin theme, then you can also try temporarily switching to one of the default WordPress themes to see if the issue is theme related.

    Thread Starter riley454


    Hi Alex
    As you suggested I have disabled all plugins except SiteOrigin and the issue remained. Also tested with themes 2016 and 2017. Emptied ALL caches each time i changed something.

    I’ve been using Page Builder for quite a while on the same theme and everything has been ok until recently. This has only started over the last couple of weeks which coincides with the recent update. Not sure thats the cause but the timing is about the same and as with the above testing its happening without other plugins active and on other themes.

    All themes, wordpress and other plugins are all running the latest versions.

    Another thing I have noticed is the page/post editor is taking a lot longer to load than usual


    me too have been having this issue ever since I update my webpage. when I try editing my page, it opens with text editor.

    Plugin Support Andrew Misplon


    Hi, kindly open a new thread and we’ll assist ASAP on Monday. Thanks.

    Plugin Contributor alexgso


    Hi riley454,

    Sorry for the delay!

    We’ve heard of a few reports that Cloudflare’s Rocket Loader is causing issues for certain users as it’s running in WP Admin for them. Are you using Cloudflare and if so, are you using Rocket Loader? If so, try temporarily disabling it to see if that helps.

    Hi just to share my problem is resolved by disabling rocket loader. thanks

    Plugin Support Andrew Misplon


    Super, really glad to hear that did the trick. Thanks for confirming.


    Same Problem.
    Disable Rocket Loader resolving.

    I also confirm resolving it with Rocket Loader disablement.

    Plugin Support Andrew Misplon


    Thanks for confirming Nico and Alex, glad to hear you made progress.

    Have same problem with pages I want to convert to Page Builder. It reverts to Visual or Text Editor. Won’t let we convert. Site Origin editor works on pages that were already converted. In the mix of it all, my Kadence Theme (www.kadencethemes.com) Virtue Shortcode for tables now doesn’t work since latest Page Builder update. Can’t put content in to table fields. But Virtue Shortcode columns are working as a work around for now in Visual editor.

    Everything worked well since I started using Site Origin a long time ago, until today. All themes and plugins have latest versions. Sent same message to Kadence Themes as well.

    Some forums say it may be a Jetpack-Site Origin conflict.


    Plugin Support Andrew Misplon


    Hi Sharon
    If you’d like to open a new support topic we’d be happy to lend a hand tomorrow.


    Hello Andrew,
    Same happened to me. Everything is working fine on Visual or Text Editor. But want to change something. I used page builder site origin editor. But after revert to Visual or Text Editor. Everything is gone with white space. I did disable all non-site origin plugin but the problem is same. Solve this as fast as possible.


    Hello everybody, to keep Page Builder working AND Rocket Loader active you can configure Page Rules in CloudFlare for both /wp-admin/ and preview pages, as described on that tutorial: https://www.onlinemediamasters.com/why-is-wordpress-so-slow/#page-rules

    Hello @hugodebe
    I did page rule as you listed but now the problem is half solved because when I did update any page after some information? This time above section of page-builder is showing but below section is completely gone. But last time all section on page builder was blank but now this is half page blank. How to solve this now.

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