• This question is for anyone in the know on this, or for the mighty Frederick, if he should happen upon this question and have time for such fluff.

    There are two (sweet) checkbox options on the Page Cache settings page within the General Options section that allow for per-user-role caching.

    Don’t cache pages for logged in users
    Unauthenticated users may view a cached version of the last authenticated user’s view of a given page. Disabling this option is not recommended.


    Don’t cache pages for following user roles
    Select user roles that should not receive cached pages:

    • Administrator
    • Author
    • Editor
    • Custom User Role 1
    • Custom User Role 2

    The subtext for the first option helpfully explains a possible use problem for operating without the option checked. It indicates that a not-logged-in user might end up receiving a cached page which was generated by an authenticated user and thus reflects the privileged view that say the administrator had when last they viewed that page and triggered a new caching.

    As this is a scenario I wish to avoid I will leave this option checked.

    My question is, how does the next option (Don’t cache pages for following user roles) affect the the previous one ( Don’t cache pages for logged in users ).

    If both options are checked, and let’s say that the user role “Administrator” is checked for cache exemption, will this allow the plugin to smartly avoid producing a static cached page from the administrator’s viewing of a public page?

    In other words, does enabling this second option for particular roles essentially avoid the issue explained in the subtext of the first option by never generating the static cache page during a ‘bypassed’ user role’s visit?


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