• How do I increase the width of the page content to wide width 1000?

    Also, how do I add a background image in this theme and have the page content area boxed with a white background?

    Thank you.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • It looks like all your content is in a Column Block. In the editor, go to your column block there should be a button to go to wide width.

    For the background image, one idea would be to put all content into a Cover Block and add the image to the Cover Block. If you want it on every page, go to your Page Template in the Editor and try doing the same thing there, all content in a Cover Block with an image. Make sure to set the Cover block to Full Width.

    Thread Starter apexbee


    I think there may be a glitch because I have gone into the editor, on Site Editor clicked Post Title content area, toggled width from None to Wide, saved twice. The Pages are still narrow content. Any other ideas?

    Go to your page template in ‘Edit Site’.
    Open the list view (Ctrl+Alt+O on a Mac).
    Select “Post Content”.
    Move the ‘Inherit default layout’ slider to the left, and type-in your page width.

    Thread Starter apexbee


    Thanks Andy. That fixed it!

    @apexbee That’s good! Thanks for letting me know!

    For me, that does indeed change the post content div width, but the actual headings and paragraphs are somewhere being given a max-width of 650px regardless. Still trying to figure out where to change that.

    I see now. I had edited the Group that contains the Post Title and Post Content rather than the Post Content itself. It works to edit the Post Content.

    I was using WordPress 5.9 (furnished by my web hosting service). Width of columns was fine. Then they had an upgrade to 6.0. Now the max width of every paragraph is about 650 or so. I have tried lots of ways to force it to do max width, but nothing has worked.

    I think this is a bug in 6.0. Already tried all the suggestions above, with no success. Can anybody recommend a way to force the paragraphs to max width?


    I am having the same problem as @prentice1024 with version 6.0.

    I set wide layout (1400px) in the group that contains content not aligned and then this css rule

    .wp-container-4 > :where(:not(.alignleft):not(.alignright)) {
    	max-width: 1000px;
    	margin-left: auto !important;
    	margin-right: auto !important;

    makes it 1000px.
    I can change it in the styles.css but I also think that it is a bug.

    By the way, thanks a lot for the theme ??

    To it make it more clear you have to go to editor
    Then templates
    Then click page (For all the pages)
    click in the text box, that says >>>>This is the Post Content block
    ON the right look for Inherit default layout slide to the left
    THEN PUT 1000 Or What you want….
    oh my I hope this help you guys????

    This still is not working for me. Probably I need to start over. But why is it this hard? I managed to make full width headers and footers but I just can’t manage the content. It should not be this hard. I got the headers and footers by choosing patterns that seemed to be full width. Basically I only occasionally stumble across a “full width” button. Why isn’t it available for every basic container, especially “group”?? I am tearing what little hair I have left out.

    Moderator Kathryn Presner


    Hi @ksmithcamp – as this thread is nearly a year old and a lot has changed in Site Editing within that time, I’d appreciate it very much if you could please start a new thread so folks can better assist you.

    When you do, please also provide a link to a page or post that illustrates the problem you’re having (if possible!).

    Volunteers will be much better able to help you in your own thread. Thank you so much!

    I’m going to go ahead and close out this old thread. I’d encourage anyone else coming across it who still has issues to start a new thread, and folks will be happy to help!

    You can start a new thread here:


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