• Resolved majecdad



    The issue: If I activate the Woocommerce module in GeneratePress, pages and post types that do not have WC ‘enabled’ via Plugin Organizer crash.

    I must either deactivate the GP WC module, or go through every page and post type to enable WC (even if I do not want it on). This defeats one of the key benefits of PO – selective plugin load.

    I’ve asked GP devs about not loading their WC module unless WC is ON on a page/CPT, and they said that IS actually how they do it. Per GP:

    “Our WooCommerce module only loads if WooCommerce is active. We check to see if it’s active by using the is_plugin_active() function provided by WordPress.
    It might be worth checking with the Plugin Organizer devs whether it’s possible to filter that function so WordPress itself thinks the plugin isn’t active on pages where it shouldn’t be. There might be something we can do better on our end – I’d like to hear what they say.”

    Any guidance on how I might resolve this issue?

    Thanks again for your work here. BTW, appreciate the clean UI of the v10 update with the removal of drag/drop.

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  • Plugin Author Jeff Sterup


    If that function is filtered it can cause issues. The plugin will be deactivated on the plugins page among other things. They could do a check to see if Plugin Organizer is active and use it’s function to determine if the plugin is actually being loaded on that page. There’s a function in the MU plugin they could use. If the $PluginOrganizerMU object exists then Plugin Organizer is filtering the plugin lists. Then inside of a function they just need to add this code to get the list of active plugins.

    global $PluginOrganizerMU;
    $pluginList = $PluginOrganizerMU->disable_plugins(get_option('active_plugins'), 0);

    $pluginList will then contain the array of active plugins. You could also add code to your themes functions.php file that will filter their code to get the list of active plugins.

    Thread Starter majecdad


    Thanks, I’ve passed this along to the GP dev. I’ll update as needed.

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