Hi @icedqueen0001!
As mentioned before by my colleagues, this is not an issue. It is the default behavior of any cover/background image on smaller screens. This isn’t related to the theme. The big title section is designed to be a full-width section and as a result, the background image covers the entire section, from top to bottom. This is the reason why the image can’t look exactly the same on every device. A mobile device doesn’t have the physical possibility to display the entire picture, while at the same time keeping the aspect ratio and all its properties. This is why on mobile devices the image is cropped and some parts of it may not be visible.
The only workaround for this behaviour would be not to display the big title section, and instead add an Image block in the editor which would be automatically resized on smaller screens.
For any other issues or questions regarding the theme, please open a ticket on this page.
Have a nice day!