The memberships catalog is a DYNAMIC page which functions exactly the same way your BLOG archive page does for WordPress posts. Here’s some more info: https://lifterlms.com/docs/membership-catalog/
You CANNOT, therefore, “page build” it because it is an archive page with dynamic content. If the folks at Elementor wanted to add a LifterLMS integration (the way they have for WooCommerce) some options may become available but currently it is a dynamic page
Therefore, adding or removing the shortcode won’t do anything because the WYSIWYG content is never actually displayed.
You can simply create a regular page and drop shortcodes onto it (and page build it if you’d like) and then setup a 301 redirect from the LifterLMS Membership Catalog page to your custom page.
At the same time my membership page which is set in LMS settings by default doesn’t want to open my membership:
I’m not sure what you mean here. It appears to work alright for me. What are you expecting to happen?
I don’t know how but I just checked one more time and now blank page displays nothing and defauld membership’s page displays memberships… Actually, I did nothing to solve this issue. So if you have some suggestions what it could be and how to avoid it then I’ll appreciate it. Other way you can mark this as resolved.
If you have a caching plugin installed / configured this might explain what happened. Flushing a cache would make a blank page magically appear or would suddenly start working if the cached blank page expired.
Also this is a duplicate of https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/custom-membership-page/ which I am not going to paste a duplicate response to.
No need to open duplicates. I don’t work on the weekends so I’m sorry for the delay!