• Resolved jmrufi


    My page is very simple:
    [ai1ec view=”posterboard”]
    that’s all

    The page is entirely empty, even the banner… doesn’t show, even the menu when I log on.

    I’ve tried with other key words. It doesn’t work.
    I also tried to change the theme (I took twenty forteen); each time the same problem, a page totally empty.

    For instance, is there any way to install the preceeding version of this calendar ?



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  • Nicola Peluchetti



    at the beginning of all-in-one-event-calendar.php on line 12 add

    define( 'AI1EC_THEME_COMPATIBILITY_FER', false );

    Thread Starter jmrufi


    Thank you;
    First for your very fast answer. And it almost completely worked.

    I had the calendar again, but the extension posterboard didn’t work. And I recognize this view is very fun, with categories color, etc.

    I didn’t know my 1.0.8 Version of Extended Views had to be upgraded, nothing teaching me that. I discovered it with the error messages in the dashboard. It’s why I deleted the old version to install the last one (1.1.1).

    It seems there is this problem

    Failure in All-in-One Event Calendar core:
    Failed to create cache directory: /home/www/e4b1262b7bb37faa78b0f8f49546deeb/web/wp-content/plugins/all-in-one-event-calendar/cache//twig/

    exception ‘Ai1ec_Bootstrap_Exception’ with message ‘Failed to create cache directory: /home/www/e4b1262b7bb37faa78b0f8f49546deeb/web/wp-content/plugins/all-in-one-event-calendar/cache//twig/’ in /home/www/e4b1262b7bb37faa78b0f8f49546deeb/web/wp-content/plugins/all-in-one-event-calendar/lib/theme/compiler.php:128
    Stack trace:
    #0 [internal function]: Ai1ec_Theme_Compiler->ai1ec_twig_environment(Array)
    #1 /home/www/e4b1262b7bb37faa78b0f8f49546deeb/web/wp-includes/plugin.php(214): call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
    #2 /home/www/e4b1262b7bb37faa78b0f8f49546deeb/web/wp-content/plugins/all-in-one-event-calendar/lib/theme/loader.php(475): apply_filters(‘ai1ec_twig_envi…’, Array)
    #3 /home/www/e4b1262b7bb37faa78b0f8f49546deeb/web/wp-content/plugins/all-in-one-event-calendar/lib/theme/loader.php(297): Ai1ec_Theme_Loader->_get_twig_instance(Array, true)
    #4 /home/www/e4b1262b7bb37faa78b0f8f49546deeb/web/wp-content/plugins/all-in-one-event-calendar/app/controller/front.php(705): Ai1ec_Theme_Loader->get_file(‘timely-menu-ico…’, Array, true)
    #5 [internal function]: Ai1ec_Front_Controller->admin_head(”)
    #6 /home/www/e4b1262b7bb37faa78b0f8f49546deeb/web/wp-includes/plugin.php(505): call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
    #7 /home/www/e4b1262b7bb37faa78b0f8f49546deeb/web/wp-admin/admin-header.php(122): do_action(‘admin_head’)
    #8 /home/www/e4b1262b7bb37faa78b0f8f49546deeb/web/wp-admin/plugins.php(366): require_once(‘/home/www/e4b12…’)
    #9 {main}

    Request Uri: /wp-admin/plugins.php?plugin_status=all&paged=1&s

    Isn’t there a problem with the directory name …/cache//twig with the double / ?
    Because the directory twig exists, but directly under cache; all my directories have the permissions Unix 775, so they are writable.

    For instance, nothing works at all.

    Could you tell me what I have to do ?

    Thread Starter jmrufi


    May I bring another question, that I think is tied to my problem.

    Since a last upgrade, I have always this message in the Dashboard :
    Cache directories, /home/www/…/web/wp-content/plugins/all-in-one-event-calendar/cache/, are not writable. Your calendar will perform more slowly until you make this directory writable by the web server.

    As explained above, this directoy has the Unix Privilèges 0775. I decided to test the all privilèges options, that means Unix Privilèges to 7777; it didn’t change anything.

    May be it helps you ???
    Thank you to continue to help restoring the situation.

    Thread Starter jmrufi


    I’m so sorry and, really, I don’t understand what’s happening.

    Just before going to bed, I decided to have a look again. And, surprise, it works…
    I installed the 1.1.1 version of extended views again and chose the Posterboard and it works. I can’t explain why.

    But in the same time I must say that the message just above (write permission) still appears in the Dashboard and I have another message:
    All-in-One Event Calendar

    Disabled add-on “All-in-One Event Calendar Extended Views by Time.ly” due to an error
    Addon All-in-One Event Calendar Extended Views by Time.ly needs to be at least in version

    Request Uri: /wp-admin/plugins.php?action=activate&plugin=all-in-one-event-calendar-extended-views%2Fall-in-one-event-calendar-extended-views.php&plugin_status=all&paged=1&s&_wpnonce=198bbf1133

    And I confirm the extended view version is 1.1.1 as it appears in the Dashboard.

    It would be pretty if both of them could disappear; because it makes me think the problem isn’t entirely solved.


    Nicola Peluchetti


    Yes you need to install version 1.1.1 of extended view to work with our plugin.
    Cache folder needs to be writable and possibly owned by the PHP user.
    In any case even if it’s not writable, we ship Twig cache files so that shouldn’t be an issue, we need to review the wording a bit to make it sound less tragic than what it really is.
    Is the other warning dismissable?

    Thread Starter jmrufi


    In fact both warnings are dismissable.
    The first one (cache not writable) wasn’t (it’s why I told about this message that displayed since last upgrade), but this morning the click on the “dismiss” button worked :-).

    So now I don’t have any warning message and everything is OK.

    I deeply thank you having answered so quickly and efficiently. It’s GREAT.

    Best regards.

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