• Resolved dfcappello


    We are using the CiviEvent widget on our homepage. It seems that when you click an event title or click “View All” the details load on the homepage, or at least using the homepage template. This is a problem because that page is a specialized template with a side-show so all of the vent info is appearing below it. It looks like the CiviEvent links load to whatever page template they are called from, is there a way to change that behavior and specify or override it s a specific template or page?


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  • I have the same question.

    My Home page is a Blog page and the civi event loads into the frist blog post next to what ever image is there. This is very confussing. It would be nice to load civievent into a blank page.

    You probably need to set a WordPress Base Page in CiviCRM. Create a blank page in WordPress, grab its slug, then go to Administer -> System Settings -> CMS Database Integration and enter the slug there.

    That did change the page that comes up, but now, none of the event details are displayed.

    This is the new url:

    Thanks for the suggestion.

    You need to choose something other than the default in Settings -> Permalinks.

    I changed the defualt Permalink to Page Name and Saved Changes. It broke all the page links. I’m investagating that now. This is a local LAMP install. Will post again after shorting this out.

    Make sure you’ve got the appropriate .htaccess file in the root of your install.

    OK, got mod-rewrite to work and changed the PermaLinks to Name.

    Now the Civicrm link looks like this:

    It brings up the page put still does not diplay the event details.

    That looks right to me. I’ll have to defer to the plugin authors at this point.

    I’m not sure what’s happening here.

    I have same LAMP installation on my workstation and have a slightly older copy of my Development site. I made the same changes to wordpress Permalinks, have the same .htaccess file, created a new page and edited the Civicrm setting and it works as I was hoping. Now to figure why it works on one and not the other.

    As it turns out the WordPress SEO plug-in was causing the display problem.

    Thank You Christian for all your help.

    Ah yes, that plugin runs do_action( 'the_content' ) in order to parse whatever’s on the page for keywords etc. It’s a known issue if you poke around on the Civi forum. I’ll do some testing with it and (if it’s still a problem) see if I can work around it for the next version of the civirm-wordpress plugin. Thanks for the reminder.

    Well, after digging around in ‘wordpress-seo’ for a bit, it seems that I was wrong about do_action( 'the_content' ) – although not about it being a known issue. Version 1.4.15 is supposed to skip parsing shortcodes and inspect $post->post_content directly during do_action( 'wp_head' ). This should have made it compatible with ‘civicrm-wordpress’, as far as I can tell. Are you running the latest version of ‘wordpress-seo’?

    The newest version of the ‘civicrm-wordpress’ plugin stores rendered shortcodes and basepage content before do_action( 'wp_head' ) happens – so all seems to be well when using the new version. If you want to test this out, download the zip from:
    Replace everything in your ‘wp-content/civicrm’ plugin folder except for your ‘wp-content/civicrm/civicrm.settings.php’ file and the ‘wp-content/civicrm/civicrm’ directory with what’s in the zip file.

    Would be useful to know if this fixes things for you.

    I installed WP-SEO on my workstation and confirmed that it broke the Civicrm-Event-Widget. Copied your files to the ‘wp-content/civicrm’ folder preserving the civicrm.settings.php file and Yes it did fix the problem.

    However, I also have the Civicrm-Event-Calendar extension and wp plug-in installed. The wp plug-in is now broken, the Calendar does not display. So I removed your files, deactivated the WP-SEO and all is working.

    The Organization I’m doing the website for wants a Public Calendar and this is the only way I know of to get one with Civicrm.

    So I will be looking for a replacement for WP-SEO.

    Hope this helps.

    Thanks – I’ve opened a PR for the developers. The extension is broken for me when I view as a logged-out user. Thanks for the heads-up about this extension.

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