• Resolved pankajpsoni


    My website is https://www.wercrystals.com/ When I want to log in the wp-admin to edit the home page, this page is blank ( https://www.wercrystals.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=419&action=edit )
    I generally do all the updates when I log in to the wp-admin page. The last I remember adding a Whatsapp account and the WhatsApp icon was showing on the home page.

    Yesterday when I tried to Edit the Front Page, after clicking the edit, the blank page opens. The theme which I am using is WP Ocean.

    I had asked for the server backup from the Hosting Company and nothing is happening.

    I shared this with the Ultimate Social Media Plugin! chat. So they suggested sending a message here.

    So can anyone guide me regaring this, it will be helpful

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author socialdude


    Is it related to our plugin? If you delete our plugin, does it then work again?

    Thread Starter pankajpsoni


    Social Media and Share Icons (Ultimate Social Media) and Social LikeBox & Feed and Facebook for WooCommerce. I have deactivated all these three, but still the same issue when i try to edit the front page

    Plugin Author socialdude


    Ok, then the issue is not related to our plugin.

    Thread Starter pankajpsoni


    ok, so whom should I be contacting, can you guide me. As I have asked the Service provider whose server I have taken. I am just watching a video related to this from elementor

    Plugin Author socialdude


    Yes, ask your host, or maybe a web developer.

    Thread Starter pankajpsoni


    The host people tried from their side, it’s good that they have the previous backup ?? By any chance, can changing the theme help

    Thread Starter pankajpsoni


    Just as I enabled the Elementor, this is showing in the wp-admin page

    There is a new version of Elementor available. View version 3.2.1 details or update now.

    Heads up, Please backup before upgrade!
    The latest update includes some substantial changes across different areas of the plugin. We highly recommend you backup your site before upgrading, and make sure you first update in a staging environment
    Compatibility Alert – Some of the plugins you’re using have not been tested with the latest version of Elementor (3.2.1). To avoid issues, make sure they are all up to date and compatible before updating Elementor.

    Plugin Tested up to Elementor version
    Essential Addons for Elementor 3.1.4
    Elementor Unknown

    Thread Starter pankajpsoni


    So can I change the theme, and this issue will be solved

    Plugin Author socialdude


    Ok, then the issue seems to be with your theme. Please ask the theme creator about it.

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