• Hi there – I’m using WordPress 2.0.2. I am trying to create a WordPress static Page that has a form with input tags on it. However, the WordPress HTML editor seems to be adding line-break tags or paragraph tags after all of the HIDDEN input tags, so that a large number of blank spaces appear on the page where nothing should be there. I have the “visual rich text editor” option turned off, and the page code is enclosed in “code” tags. I notice that even the first “code” tag at the top of the page ends up being enclosed with paragraph tags by the HTML editor, though.

    Any suggestions would be grately appreciated!

    The page is at: https://www.masscare.org/news/membership-pledge-form/

    Thanks so much,

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  • Do you have “WordPress should correct invalidly nested XHTML automatically” enabled? (Options:Writing)

    You should upgrade, btw.

    Thread Starter bday


    No – that option is not enabled.

    It looks like your not closing your <input> tags.

    In my editor (no wysiwig) if I don’t close a tag properly some filter assumes I’m doing text that needs formatting.


    I’m having the same problem with WordPress 2.1 — every <input> tag I put on a page is getting a <br /> tag attached in front of it. I have WYSIWYG editor turned off. So I put in this code:

    <p>Some text <input type="text" name="field" /></p>

    and WordPress outputs this code:

    <p>Some text <br /><input type="text" name="field" /></p>

    Does anyone know the reasoning behind not offering a true HTML view for post entry anymore? I’m sure there’s a reason, I just can’t figure it out. It seems to me that if someone wanted their input to be auto-formatted they would use the WYSIWYG view and if they wanted to enter their own HTML they’d use HTML view. The question is then why would anyone be entering data in the HTML view if they wanted it to be auto-formatted?

    A) I’m squinting, perhaps I’m blind, but I don’t see the difference between your two examples.
    [update: ah, you edited while I was squinting]

    B) Users -> Your Profile – hate the wysiwyg? turn the bloody thing off! Top checkbox, uncheck it.


    A) Yes I had to edit my reply several times because the auto-formatting was removing bits from my code examples.

    B) see the second sentence of my reply: “I have WYSIWYG editor turned off”

    I’m assuming you misread ‘have’ for ‘hate’, but if not, I don’t hate the WYSIWYG editor, I just want to be able to turn off auto-formatting, and turning off WYSIWYG does not seem to be totally doing that, as evidenced with <input> fields in this case.

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