• Can someone explain how to create page jumps or anchor links without using the blocks thing. I can not use the blocks thing. The symbols mean nothing to me and I get completely frustrated and confused trying to figure it out. Just the stupidest thing word press ever did.

    Anyway, I know I need to place a # symbol and small letters for the link (I think) and then href# something in the place the link is supposed to go to. But that is all the further I get.

    I wish there were tutorials somewhere that did not have the blockhead thing.

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  • Anyway, I know I need to place a # symbol and small letters for the link (I think) and then href# something in the place the link is supposed to go to. But that is all the further I get.

    Please provide some more context so I can assist you.

    • What editor are you using? Default (block) editor? Classic editor? Some 3rd-party page builder plugin?
    • Will the anchor links be in the site’s main menu? Or will they be on the page (eg like a table of contents)
    • Can you provide the URL of the page in question so I can take a look to give you specific advice tailored to your specific page?

    I wish there were tutorials somewhere that did not have the blockhead thing.

    There are a million-and-one tutorials out there. But this is web development, a professional practice requiring professional training. And if you don’t understand the basics of working with HTML coding, even the best-written tutorials will mean nothing to you. The block editor makes this a breeze though — with no coding required. But to each their own.

    Standing by to assist.

    You can create page jumps with just a little bit of code…

    Firstly, find the section of content you wish to jump to and give this an ID. Ideally, you want to wrap the content in a div like this:

    <div id="jump">Your content here</div>

    Notice how we have given the div an ID of “jump”… Then add a link to where you want the content to jump from like this:

    <a href="#jump">Your link description here</a>

    So the link with the ID “jump” will jump to the content you have wrapped in a “jump” ID. You can use this markup as much as you want, just ensure you use a different ID for each one as the ID should be unique and only used once per page.

    Thread Starter thompsonaire


    Hi George Appiah

    (@gappiah) I sortof can read html. I get lost real easy and confused. I suffered a hemorrhagic stroke and spent 5 days in a coma. I am 65 and am unable to learn like I used to be able to. Heck I can not even remember the page I was working on when I asked about the page jumps. The explination that charlykingdev

    (@charlykingdev) supplied should work for me. I will be trying that on a page I am currently working on.

    I started doing web stuff back in 1998. Back then I was using Front Page to help with all the code. So I started to learn how to read it (Somewhat) but could never write it. Then I found the WordPress system. That made sense to me and allowed me to do stuff with my basic understanding. I was more or less a cut and paste hacker. But then they did the Blocks thing and that totaly lost me. I just do not have the brain power any longer to understand it. Just does not click in my brain. The progression and logic is not something I can grasp.

    While I admire those who have been able to learn this stuff I am just not capable any longer. I have to ask for help and I am OK with that. I do my best and that is good enough for me. I have stumbled through the page jumps on a couple of different sites but each time I have to go back and do it I can never remember how I did it. In the last few years I have been creating my own notes in word and saving them in a file so when I have to do something like page jumps or color a background for a video I can open them up and remind myself.
    Here is one of the pages where I have used the page jump feature.

    Thank you all for your help.

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