• I’m not looking to change the whole template, I just need to know the way to change the page content to something more attractive than I currently have.

    For a case studies section I need to show images and descriptive text. I managed it in tinymce but it’s very basic (text above, image below, and a horizontal line to separate this from the next item below) and I would like something that looks better. I can’t write the html code for it, and I was hoping I could find a plugin or something that would make it simple for me to do this.

    This is a good example of the kind of thing I need – https://briansmith.com/

    All the divs are clearly on separate subjects and the layout is good. I have dreamweaver and I suppose I could maybe figure out how to lay out the divs there, and copy the code into tinymce, but there must be a way to build the effect I want in wordpress isn’t there?

    I hope someone can advise.

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  • Is it done with plugins?

    There might be plugins that can do this but I’ve usually coded my own solution along the lines of:


    // Generate page tree
    function my_page_tree($this_page) {
    	$pagelist = '';
    	if( !$this_page->post_parent ) {
    		$children = wp_list_pages('title_li=&child_of='.$this_page->ID.'&echo=0');
    		if( $children ) {
    			$pagelist .= '<li class="current_page_item"><a href="'.  get_page_link($this_page->ID) .'">' . $this_page->post_title . '</a>';
    			$pagelist .= '<ul>' . $children . '</ul>';
    			$pagelist .= '</li>';
    	elseif( $this_page->ancestors ) {
    		// get the top ID of this page. Page ids DESC so top level ID is the last one
    		$ancestor = end( get_post_ancestors($this_page) );
    		$pagelist .= wp_list_pages('title_li=&include='.$ancestor.'&echo=0');
    		$pagelist = str_replace('</li>', '', $pagelist);
    		$pagelist .= '<ul>' . wp_list_pages('title_li=&child_of='.$ancestor.'&echo=0') .'</ul></li>';
    	return $pagelist;
    if( function_exists( 'my_page_tree') && my_page_tree($post) != '' && ( !isset($my_theme_options['display_subpages']) || $my_theme_options['display_subpages'] == 'yes' ) ) :?>
    <div class="sub-pages"><h3><?php _e('Pages in this section', 'my');?></h3><ul>
    <?php echo my_page_tree($post);?></ul></div>
    <?php endif;?>

    page template file:

    // Generate page tree
    function my_page_tree($this_page) {
    	$pagelist = '';
    	if( !$this_page->post_parent ) {
    		$children = wp_list_pages('title_li=&child_of='.$this_page->ID.'&echo=0');
    		if( $children ) {
    			$pagelist .= '<li class="current_page_item"><a href="'.  get_page_link($this_page->ID) .'">' . $this_page->post_title . '</a>';
    			$pagelist .= '<ul>' . $children . '</ul>';
    			$pagelist .= '</li>';
    	elseif( $this_page->ancestors ) {
    		// get the top ID of this page. Page ids DESC so top level ID is the last one
    		$ancestor = end( get_post_ancestors($this_page) );
    		$pagelist .= wp_list_pages('title_li=&include='.$ancestor.'&echo=0');
    		$pagelist = str_replace('</li>', '', $pagelist);
    		$pagelist .= '<ul>' . wp_list_pages('title_li=&child_of='.$ancestor.'&echo=0') .'</ul></li>';
    	return $pagelist;
    if( function_exists( 'my_page_tree') && my_page_tree($post) != '' ) :?>
    <div class="sub-pages"><h3><?php _e('Pages in this section', 'my');?></h3><ul>
    <?php echo my_page_tree($post);?></ul></div>
    <?php endif;?>

    Thread Starter np07


    Thanks. I am going to find out how to insert this with a bit of googling, and then I’ll see how it looks. Thanks for your effort.

    Thread Starter np07


    Well i figured it out. I wish someone had mentioned shortcodes to me. I suppose nobody realised now new to wp I was ??

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