• Hello,

    I am making some updates to 3 separate websites. https://www.fanoguitars.com, https://www.two-rock.com and https://www.toneking.com. I have created new pages for each site by cloning a pre-existing page, renaming the new cloned page, and editing the text to fit what I need. I cloned a page called dealers, re-named it artists, and then would change the permalink to match the new page name. I am attempting to add the artist page to the primary menu bar by following: Appearance…Menu… Clicking artists in the pages tab… Clicking add to menu.. and then arranging the button where I would like it to appear in the menu structure. From there the artists button will appear in the primary menu and appears to work properly but it will always link to the homepage instead of the actual “artists” page. I am not sure what the issue is and will appreciate any and all help I can get. Thanks!


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  • Anonymous User 9055193


    Sounds like you’ve cloned the pages and added the menu items properly. Good catch making sure the Permalinks were updated when you cloned the page. Many people forget this step.

    I would suggest double-checking the Permalinks are accurate, while triple-checking the Menu items are properly linking to the correct page. Then flush (re-save) your Permalinks:

    Settings => Permalinks => Save Changes

    Other than that, since you’re cloning sites, perhaps there are some old permalinks/redirects or hard-coded URL’s lingering about in htaccess or the database.

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