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  • I have this same issue. Plugin opens external url in same window.

    I had this problem too. I did some debugging and found the cause. The page I tried to link is set to be ‘private’ and the plugin only accepts post_status to be ‘static’ or ‘publish’. It would be interesting to hear if this is a bug or a feature. I can’t figure out the reason to disallow private pages from opening in a new window, maybe I’m missing something obvious here?

    @bobbyc — Is this the latest version of the plugin? Is your post privately published?

    @billerby — This was for backwards compatibility reasons, but I can probably standardize on the new way of doing pages now. The next version will fix that.

    I have same problem, with the last version (2.1) and my page is not privately published.

    Status: Published
    Visibility: Public

    Is the problem could be that I am also using ‘All in One SEO Pack’ plugin?

    I think you may be on to something. Using the latest versions of WP, Page Links to, and All in One SEO pack. If I disable the SEO plugin this features begins to work.

    Looked into this issue more and they found a fix that will be showing up in the next version. Thanks go to a dev named “Head”.

    Simple workaround is change


    add_filter( ‘wp_list_pages’, ‘txfx_page_links_to_highlight_tabs’);


    add_filter( ‘wp_list_pages’, ‘txfx_page_links_to_highlight_tabs’, 9);

    in page-links-to.php at about line 197.

    I made the changes, activated all in one, and poof, it works.

    I tried the above solution, but the links still won’t open in new window. I also disabled AIO and still not working.

    thanks jmbullis. adding the “9” worked for me. also using AIO. cheers.

    Please try version 2.2, which should fix this issue!

    I′m using the 2.3 version of the plugin and AIO SEO, but I can not get it to open in a new window.
    I′ve checked the entries in the database and all seems fine, double checked the “9” above. Tried to switch off AIO plugin, still no luck.

    When looking at the code in page-links-to.php I saw some strange blankspaces in the bottom and the closing php-tag was missing. Is it supposed to be like that or is it a zip/download problem?

    Any clues?

    I am having the same problem. Deactivate AIO SEO and check the PHP file and it still doesn’t work.

    Yes, it′s a little annoying, I hope Mark can solve this for us!



    Nothing above worked for me also.
    I guess some of the plugins are messing things up.
    Is there a way to hard code “_blank” for a particular page?

    p.s. Does anyone knows why : “ ” doesnt work anymore?




    I guess it′s not easy to hardcode _blank (prefer onclick=”; return false;” though).

    We need help from the author or someone else with the skills!

    Please help us!



    I’m having this same problem. Has anyone had any luck solving it?

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