• Hi. I have a website that showcases voice samples in all languages and I use the Ultimate Soundcloud plugin for the audio files. I have even upgraded my hosting account to take care of any issues that would compromise my website speed/functionality.
    I dont understand if this is a “theme” issue or a ” plugin “issue thats slowing down the load speed on some (not all) webpages. These mainly include pages where we showcase voice samples. For example: https://www.synapsetalent.com/english-us-accent/

    Any help on this would be greatly appreciated ??
    Thank you

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  • lisa


    things to try:
    theme issue> change to default twentyfifteen
    plugin issue> deactivate all plugins and reactivate one by one
    check dns settings

    free tools to help start to diagnose issue

    plugin profiler

    My guess is whatever plugin you have that is displaying the soundcloud embeds on that page is slowing it down.

    The SoundCloud Ultimate Plugin hasn’t been updated in one year and might not be compatible with the latest WordPress version, so I would recommend finding an alternative.

    Try the above suggestions by contentiskey regarding the theme issue/plugin lines, this will confirm if it’s a plugin or code specific to those pages in the theme is the issue.

    Don’t bother with webpagespeedtest/pingdom yet, as the problem is in the backend.

    I have a website for Best golf Carts Reviews there is some affliate images and links. i have tried to speed up. but the main problem is i have tested with google, pingdom and gtmetrix. my site speed 2.5 in pingdom and gtmetrix. but in google still below 75. can anyone help me?


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