• Hi, my blog (https://theangrywalrus.com/blog) isn’t loading fast at all. It’s taking a very long time for the content to load onto the screen, and the navigation doesn’t get displayed because the posts never finish loading.

    However, if I clear my internet cache, it loads fine. But when I try to refresh the page the same thing happens. What is going on? I’m using firefox, but the same thing happens in IE 7.

    This problem has only appeared recently, but I’m very upset about it. I’m only using 7 plugins.

    How can I fix this?

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  • Is it possible to temporarily disable all the plugins?

    See what happens then, and if it’s better, at one plugin back at a time.

    I had no problems loading and refreshing the page. Try someone else’s computer or internet connection

    Thread Starter mabufo


    Even with plugins disabled, this is still happening. It’s happening all over my wordpress installation, including the admin panel. But, the wierd thing is that it’s only happening some of the time.

    I wonder if this is a hosting issue, and not a word press issue. I’m using bluehost if anyone wants to know.


    Perhaps try a different host. You get what you pay for, no more, no less. I use HostimgMatters, but there are loads of other recommended hosts out there.

    <Guilty And Dumped By Bluehost – No More Cre8pc Blog – Cre8asite Forums
    What kills me is that I don’t use Bluehost to send email ….>


    The Cre8asite blog post is here:


    If you are having trouble, I’d suggest contacting Bluehost. They have very good hosting support and, while troubleshooting WordPress issues may be out of their scope of support, you’ll find that many people there will help with WordPress issues anyway. (Not saying that this is a WordPress issue, just giving an option ?? …) Telephone:
    Main Line: 888-401-4678
    Outside the U.S: 801-765-9400
    If you have a hard time with phones they also have an email option you can use: helpdesk.bluehost.com

    The problem with other hosts… or, I guess I can only say there has been 1 other host in my experience, but nevertheless, this 1 other host wouldn’t assist me in the least, but Bluehost has helped me out with WordPress issues several times via their ticketing system.

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