Howdy guys,
You might be interested in Event Rocket’s 404 laser from the sound of it.
What is happening is that this is an empty archive page. In WordPress, all empty archive pages return 404s. This includes blog categories with no posts, tags, etc. TEC upcoming view is just another empty page when there are no events. Our hands are a bit tied here, we have to conform to the wordpress ecosystem and expectations by default. However, this is also the reason why we have created such a powerful API. You can absolutely change this behavior if you do not like how WordPress works.
You can use is_404() to detect if it is a 404 page. tribe_is_upcoming() lets you detect if it is the upcoming page. Used in combination you could overwrite virtually anything about that page.
Our themer’s guide which Leah linked to can be of great help here. Furthermore if you simply wish to adjust the wording this example snippet shows how to adjust the wording of any aspect of our plugin:
Hopefully things are a bit clearer now. We welcome feature requests on UserVoice: And if you have any feedback let me know. But, we probably will never change our plugin to defy WordPress expecations in this area, in the end it will likely always need to be a small modification.
– Brook