The change you need to do is:
Change the following line (line 160) from:
<button class="button" type="submit" name="user_post_save" id="user_post_save" value="save"><?php _e("Save", "frontier-post"); ?></button>
<!-- <button class="button" type="submit" name="user_post_save" id="user_post_save" value="save"><?php _e("Save", "frontier-post"); ?></button> -->
the alternative using templates – Needs some coding experience:
Navigate to ./wp.content/themes/[your active theme]/
check if ./wp.content/themes/[your active theme]/plugins/frontier-post/ exists, if not create it
copy the frontier_form.php to the new directory, and make 2 additional copies:
– english.frontier_form.php
– french.frontier_form.php
edit frontier_form.php
delete all content between the php start and end tags and insert:
if (ICL_LANGUAGE_NAME_EN == "French")
In theory it should work, but hasn’t been tested.
If this work you can do the same with frontier_list.php