• Resolved BTW



    I created a custom post type titled Podcasts. I’m using Elementor Pro along with Ele Custom Skin. For the most part, the custom post type is all set to default. I’m having an issue where when I click “Next” on the page, it gives me a Page Not Found Error. Using the same style, widgets, and plugin, I created an Articles page that is essentially the WP Blog. The pagination works there. But it’s not working for the Custom Post Type (Podcasts).


    Below are my current settings:

    name: podcasts
    label: Podcasts
    singular_label: Podcast
    description: “”
    public: true
    publicly_queryable: true
    show_ui: true
    show_in_nav_menus: true
    delete_with_user: false
    show_in_rest: true
    rest_base: “”
    rest_controller_class: “”
    has_archive: true
    has_archive_string: “”
    exclude_from_search: false
    capability_type: post
    hierarchical: true
    rewrite: true
    rewrite_slug: “”
    rewrite_withfront: true
    query_var: true
    query_var_slug: “”
    menu_position: “”
    show_in_menu: true
    show_in_menu_string: “”
    menu_icon: dashicons-format-video
    custom_supports: “”

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  • Plugin Contributor Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    Have you reached out to Elementor support as well? I’m not seeing anything “wrong” by any means with the registration parameters. Given what I’ve seen/experienced with pagination and custom WP_Query, it’s not always the most straightforward to get working pagination. Chances are this is part of the case with this Elementor block.

    Thread Starter BTW


    This page is using the same template and it’s feeding from WP Blog post (not CPT UI). The Next and Prev buttons work on this. https://dev-possibility-of-today.pantheonsite.io/articles/

    This is the built with CPT UI and the Next Prev buttons give me the Page Not Found error: https://dev-possibility-of-today.pantheonsite.io/podcasts/


    Plugin Contributor Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    My same questions still essentially exist. Wherein, when setting up these URLs, are you having to add an Elementor item in some way to start having the posts show up? Or are they just showing up naturally, at the point of hitting publish with no aspect of Elementor added?

    Trying to determine if this is WordPress’ queries being used, or if Elementor is stepping in to help set up the page output, because if Elementor is, then I still believe it’s going to come down to their code, and nothing with CPTUI. The “podcasts” post type looks properly set up to me to have an archive and pagination, just a matter of how it’s all displayed.

    Thread Starter BTW


    Sorry. I think I misunderstood what you needed. I think this is what you are asking for:

    A page is created and kept blank.
    With Elementor, the archive page is created under Template -> Theme Builder.
    Display Conditions are “Podcasts Archive”. (For the Articles page, it’s Post Archive.)

    The above is for the page.

    For that section, because we don’t have podcasts set up, the Query is set to Posts…

    And in typing this I figured out the problem. To test, I added 4 additional temporary Podcasts posts and changed the Query to Podcast instead of Post (since it’s a Podcast Archive)…and that worked.

    Thanks for your help, I appreciate it. Sorry for taking up your time. I didn’t realize that the query was tied into the display conditions.

    Plugin Contributor Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    Glad I could help rubber duck then. Have a good rest of your day.

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