Hi physoc
There are two ways you can get the events page to display posts from the events category only, and both require you to create a page template with a unique name, i.e. events-page.php. In the admin page are, on the right, you will see a dropdown with the template name. Select it and save.
To create the template, at the very top of the page in php comments you need to write:
Template Name: Events Page
After this you have two options to call events posts.
Option 1) In the events page create a new WordPress query. i.e.
$events = get_posts(array(
'numberposts' => 10,
'orderby' => 'post_date',
'post_type' => 'post',
'post_status' => 'publish',
'category' => '3'
foreach($writing as $post) : setup_postdata($post);
Write the HTML markup and necessary WordPress functions here. Remember to close the loop when finished with. endforeach;
Option 2) Create a category page template for events called category-events.php. Create a standard loop, and the posts will automatically be populated by event category posts. The back
To get posts in the events category only, you need to create a template page specifically for them. The page should be called category-events.php, surprise! ??
In the original events page template then use php includes to pull in the category template.
This will then display the category posts inside the events page.
Let me know if this helps or is not clear enough.