• Resolved drtonyb


    Where is the page parent setting? There is a Template and an Order setting, but no Parent!

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  • I can set parent pages in Gutenberg 3.2.
    Do you have published any other pages yet? If not, you can’t select a parent page.

    Thread Starter drtonyb


    I see no parent page selector in Gutenberg 3.2 nor has there been in any of the earlier versions.

    Pages were originally created using the classic editor. For child pages, the parent page selector shows in the classic editor. Open a child page in Gutenberg, there is no parent page selector, only a template and order selector.

    To set a parent page, open the page and go to Settings (gear icon) > Document > Page Attributes.

    Screenshot: https://cloudup.com/c0nZQsnYq-o

    Note: double check to make sure you have Document selected at the top of the settings sidebar, not Block.

    If you still can’t find it, can you please make a note about what other plugins you have installed?

    Thread Starter drtonyb


    Thanks for that clue. I tracked down the plugin causing the problem and it is one that has not been updated for some time: Slick Google Map (https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/slick-google-map/). with this plugin deactivated, Parent shows up correctly. Now looking for a replacement.

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