• Because Ia€?m using WordPress as a Content Management System for our up-coming intranet/web-app at work, I needed a way of keeping the regular folks out of our private section of the site.

    So, I wrote this plugin – Page Restriction – and it does just what it says, pretty much. It will add an Administration panel under the Options section, entitled Page Restriction – Clever huh? There you can pick and choose whatever pages you want restricted to logged-in users.

    I just finished it today, so it could be a little buggy – though it works exactly how I want it to for me. I’m on WordPress and I haven’t yet tested it on any other version, though I suspect it will work just fine with all the 1.5.x versions.

    You may download the source here: https://17thdegree.com/wp/page-restriction.phps

    Feel free to comment here or on my site (which is in shambles right now, I appologize).

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  • To andrabar.
    Thanks That worked.
    Is there anyway to get it to redirect to a page that tells the user that he/she must register rather than the login page?

    hate to tell you but both the page access and page restrictions plugins do not work on my wp, all i get is a blank page when i activate the plugin, using the lastest WP release

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