• How do I write some pages, each of which show excertps or teasers of a few specific articles (not sure yet if they’ll be posts or pages) that I select for that page?

    So, I’ll write articles (posts or pages?) A B C D E.
    Then on Page 1, I need to include excerpts/teasers eg for articles A, B & C
    Page 2 might need A, C & D
    Some articles in common for different pages, some not.

    I’m also not sure yet if it will be easier for readers if “more” opens the rest of the article on the same page or whether “more” take the reader to the article page, somehow with a back button too.

    I have no idea where to begin with this. Is there something I add as I write the page or do I need specific page templates that will do this? (Hope not as I haven’t a clue yet how to create a page template.)

    I’m using theme dkret3 and adding simple changes with a child theme.

    Is there a help article that tells me how to do this? Or can anyone tell me here?

    Thanks very much for help.


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  • Hi Clare,

    As far as I get your drift, your easiest way would be to write posts and use categories (since posts can be assigned to more than one category).
    Say page 1 is your category Worldnews and page 2 is your category European News but post A has something of both in it you simply after writing the post, tick both categories. For post B only tick Worldnews. For post D only tick European news.

    Then when accessing the category Worldnews from your menu, it will show both posts A and B but not D. In most themes it will show excerpts and clicking the post-title will open the full post in the same screen with (in most themes) a previous-next post link at the bottom.

    Thread Starter clarer1


    Thanks for your help. I’d wondered if categories would be involved. What I’m after isn’t quite that straightforward so I need to refine it more.

    What I’ll have are some pages:
    1. how can I use a stethoscope with behind-the-ear hearing aids?
    2. how can I use a stethoscope with completely-in-canal hearing aids?
    and so on.

    Then some articles (could be posts or pages):
    A. do I need an amplified stethoscope?
    B. using adapted earpieces for stethoscopes
    C. using headphones with stethoscopes
    D. using direct audio input with stethscopes
    and so on.

    My menu is to pages, not to posts. A top level page is stethoscopes, child level are 1, 2 & so on.

    Page 1 needs to show articles A, C & D
    Page 2, articles A, B & C

    Several things I’m not sure about doing this with categories:

    To get the page I need, I think I’d need a way of combining categories. I’d have categories stethoscope, behind-the-ear, completely-in-canal etc and need a page that shows eg categorised stethoscope AND behind-the-ear. Is that possible?

    And then, how do I direct people to the page? I have a navigation bar at the top of the page with tabs to top-level pages and it drops down to show child pages. I also have Pages widget in the side bar. But for this, I’d need a top-level Stethoscopes page. But the pages with several articles on aren’t top-level. They’re probably 2nd level. So I don’t want links to them to show until you’re on the top-level Stethoscopes page.

    Is there a more straightforward way?

    Is there a way to write a page and insert something like specific links that will call up the teasers for each article I want?

    I’m struggling to explain what I’m after and hope it’s a bit more clear now.


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