I’m trying to move a blog from wordpress.com to self-hosting.
On wordpress.com, there are theme options:
Andrea Theme Options
Choose a layout option:
Layout Options
Flexible-width Layout — Wide, flexible-width layout. Site width is fluid between a minimum width of 900px and maximum width of 1280px. Images in the main column have a maximum width of 1000px.
Fixed-width Layout — Narrow, fixed-width layout. Site width is 700px and the main column width is 500px. Images in the main column have a maximum width of 500px.
This does not appear to be available in the version available for www.ads-software.com
I have tried altering the css to get the flexible layout,
but without complete success.
Does anyone have the css for flexible?
Or a list of which div classes/ids need to be altered?
Or any other workround?
]]>I have tried a few tutorials on the Web for making older themesw compatible with WP 3.8.1, specifically the menu system, but with little success. I love the Andrea theme, so if there’s any way you can help me get it to work, it would be much appreciated! ??