• I am trying to build a page using Elementor, I have tried almost everything, but the title does not want to go away. I have tried it through elementor. I have tried the remove page title plugin: https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/title-remover/. I have tried writing code in the custom CSS. I don’t know what to try next, i suspect it could have to do with some code written somewhere else. Anyone got a clue on what to do?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hi @vmastah,

    It should be easy to hide title with Elementor, did you follow this tutorial -> https://elementor.com/help/how-to-hide-page-titles-in-wordpress

    In the second part of the tutorial there are instructions on how to hide page title if it’s using theme CSS selector, that should be helpful.

    Kind Regards.

    Thread Starter vmastah


    @wpmajestic Hi! thanks for your reaction. I’ve also tried this method, when i inspect it says the following: <h1 class=”gdlr-page-title”>about 2025 (which is page name)</h1>. I’ve tried changing the page title selector in the layour section to: h1.gdlr.entry-title but this had no effect. I feel like im doing something wrong but I have no clue as to what. Do you have an idea based on the previously mentioned info?

    Hello @vmastah,

    If your selector is h1.gdlr-page-title – then you can use custom CSS to set display: none; to it. Maybe your selector is wrapped into something and that interrupts the reading of Elementor options to hide the title. But as I mentioned you can use Custom CSS to hide it:

    h1.gdlr-page-title { display: none;} 

    If that does not work, try to force with !important:

    h1.gdlr-page-title { display: none !important;} 

    If you wish to target only specific pages or posts, then you can append .page-id or .post-id to the CSS code to target only specific pages.

    Let me know if this was helpful, cheers.

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