Hi @webowl ,
> Why I don’t think it’s a plugin, is because it worked in the beginning, i.e., before I pressed on of the arrows at the bottom. only then did the Sensei functions move to the sidebar. If it had been a plugin, would it not be wrong from the start?
Difficult to answer, because there’s lots of things that could be going on. “Not necessarily”, covers it, I guess. ??
What I mean by that is, because I don’t know how your system/site is set up, I can only make reasonable (and hopefully educated :)) guesses at what may be happening. So for example – you may not have introduced a NEW plugin, but maybe you updated an already installed one, and that new version introduced a conflict.
Or maybe you (or your host) updated your server software, and something is now configured incorrectly there (see this ticket that I just answered in the WP Job Manager forum for what I mean: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/job-categories-dropdown-empty-in-job-editor/ )
> It seems less trouble than disabling all my plugins.
I know this is a huge pain, especially if you have a lot of active plugins. It’s really the cornerstone of troubleshooting unexpected behavior, though. I’d say 85+% of all support issues which are about ‘product is acting/looking strange!’ boil down to a conflict of some sort, so we have to eliminate a plugin conflict as the cause before moving on to other options.
One thing I’d suggest is setting up a staging site for this sort of testing (it’s also useful for testing new plugins, WordPress updates, etc before pushing them on your live site.
Many hosts provide a staging service, where you can do testing without affecting the live site. You can ask your host about this. If they don’t give you a staging site, you could try WP Staging or Duplicator:
To help with the plugin troubleshooting, you may want to check out the Health Check and Troubleshooting plugin:
All that said, if a plugin conflict isn’t detected, the next thing I’d suggest checking is for errors on the (lesson) post edit screen. You can do that by following the directions I posted in the WP Job Manager forum post I linked above.