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  • Plugin Author Optimizing Matters


    have a look at the troubleshooting tips in the AO FAQ @risen, you’ll probably need to exclude that plugin’s CSS from optimization.

    hope this helps,

    Thread Starter risen


    What could cause another plugin to fail in this way? Does the page source give you any clues as to what could be causing the issue?

    Hi Frank

    Perry here from the WP Google Maps development team, pleased to meet you.

    It appears that execution completely halts after the following output:

    <link type="text/css" media="all" href="" rel="stylesheet" /><!--noptimize--><!-- Autoptimize found a problem with the HTML in your Theme, tag <code>title</code> missing --><!--/noptimize--><style type="text/css" media="print">#wpadminbar{display:none}</style><!--noptimize--><!-- Autoptimize found a problem with the HTML in your Theme, tag <code>title</code> missing --><!--/noptimize--><style type="text/css" media="screen">html{margin-top:32px !important}* html body{margin-top:32px !important}@media screen and (max-width:782px){html{margin-top:46px !important}* html body{margin-top:46px !important}}</style><!--noptimize--><!-- Autoptimize found a problem with the HTML in your Theme, tag <code>title</code> missing --><!--/noptimize-->

    I’m sure we can adjust at our end for this, if you could possibly shed any light on why your plugin might halt execution following that output?

    I enabled debugging, query logs and registered a PHP shutdown handler which fires successfully, we don’t integrate with your plugin in any shape or form, so I’m at a bit of a loss as to why the output is completely blank after those tags when our plugin is enabled, do you have any pointers for us on debugging this issue?

    Kind regards
    – Perry

    Hi Frank

    I tried excluding our plugins CSS folder with the path


    In the appropriate field in your plugins settings, however execution still halts in the same place.

    If you could offer any advice we’d appreciate it.

    Kind regards
    – Perry

    Plugin Author Optimizing Matters


    on holiday now, but this looks like an issue with output buffering (AO seems to only getting part of the HTML). is wp-google-maps using ob_* as well?

    Hi there

    Thank you for the prompt reply,

    We do use output buffering in a couple of places but the buffer is immediately cleared afterwards (eg 3 or 4 lines after with no logic between).

    I’ll try commenting those lines out but I don’t think that will help.

    If you could tell us where the output buffering for that segment starts and where it is supposed to end that would be great.

    Kind regards
    – Perry

    Plugin Author Optimizing Matters


    AO hooks into template_redirect at which point it does ob_start to capture all HTML output and, when receiving all HTML, parsing it to extract JS, CSS, … all ob_ related code is in autoptimizeMain.php.

    Haven’t had time to look into it (I’m on holiday with very limited computer-time) but it *looks* like somehow wp-google-maps is flushing all buffers, leading AO to just get a small part of the HTML?

    Hi again

    The only place our plugin does this is on it’s first run, so this definitely shouldn’t happen repeatedly.

    I can see where you discard the output buffer in autoptimizeMain.php, can we safely remove that filter on this specific site?

    Kind regards
    – Perry

    Plugin Author Optimizing Matters


    are you referring to the (filter for) “killing the output buffers”? because that is off by default so that logic does not run except when the filter is explicitly activated (with code).

    I see, thank you.

    May I ask why adding wp-content/plugins/wp-google-maps/css/ to the CSS exclusions isn’t working to exclude our CSS?

    Plugin Author Optimizing Matters


    Because the problem is with the output buffering, which happens (long) before the aggregation of CSS.

    Thank you for that.

    What I would like to do is completely remove the output buffering code from our plugin so we can rule that out, and if that doesn’t solve the problem, is there a private channel of communication we can contact you on to share FTP details so we can establish a fix?

    Plugin Author Optimizing Matters


    I’m on holidays now with wife & daughter so it might take a bit of time for me to respond, but feel free to contact me at futtta-at-gmail-dot-com ??

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