I don’t think it is a problem with anyones server; My blog is taking about 3-4 minutes to load up, and yet all other sites on my server (using the same functions as wordpress – apache, php, MySQL etc.) are working fine and loading at lightning speed.
What little I can see from the relay between me, my server, and my server and the WWW, wordpress is trying to link to google-analytics.com in some way shape or form. This is not a plugin I have installed at all – in fact I don’t know why it is attempting to call up anything like this in the code. Bar themes and a few other bits it is a default install. This attempted linkup is failing, and taking the default php timout for a function before the rest of the page loads (around 240 seconds in my case). Other blogs I know of running wordpress are experiencing the same delay in loading.
Why is wordpress linking to this site, and how can I stop it? I want my blog to be accessable if my server is accessable, not only if a load of other sites are accessable as well :S
I know this is what is causing the problem as I can access my admin panel fine – obviously not calling the same code. Can anyone else on this thread access their admin panel but not their blog (if you auto-login that is – if you don’t the login screen seems to suffer the same errors)?