• I have a problem with my pages .

    I have two parent pages and two children pages in each …
    Competition – india
    Contact Us – Address
    Phone No .
    Address, India , UK and Phone No are children pages .
    I use prosumer theme .
    When I hover over Competition , a list is displayed having India and UK but the problem is Competition itself is a page . I want to remove the Competition as a page i.e. it should not be a hyperlink .
    So , it should be like : when I hover over Competition , I should see the child pages and the competition should not be a link

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  • Hi,

    You could try Page Lists Plus.

    (1) Install and activate.
    (2) On the Settings > Page Lists Plus page in the dashboard, check the “Link” checkbox (in the “Page-Specific Options” section) and then “Save Changes”.
    (3) Go to the edit screen for each Page that you want to unlink, scroll down to the “Page Lists Plus” box, uncheck the “Link” box, and then “Update Page”.

    Depending on whether your theme’s Page list styling relies on anchor tags being present, this may cause some styling problems (because unlinking Page links removes these). If it does, then you can either fix the styling (preferred option), or:

    (4) On the Settings > Page Lists Plus page in the dashboard, check the “Unlink using javascript” option (in the “Global Options” section) and then “Save Changes”.

    Hope that helps.

    – Tim

    Thread Starter kar2905


    Thanks a lot . It solved my problems …
    But the cursor changes to a hand when I hover the parent page even though the parent page is not a link . I assume it is because I used the second option .
    Could you help me with the first option . What styling changes have to be done?

    The styling changes needed will depend on your theme, but the general idea is to style the list items in your Page lists to match the anchors. This might be easy or extremely difficult, depending on how your Page lists are currently styled.

    To keep working with the second option, add “a.plp_disabled { cursor: default }” to your style.css theme file.

    Future releases of the plugin may well do more to prevent disabled links behaving like links without the need to make manual changes to your stylesheet; I’ll give it some thought.

    – Tim

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