• Just recently pages on our website have began displaying incorrectly. For instance, when you click on the ‘Financial Assistance’ tab from the home menu (https://www.rphospital.org/) it brings up the content that should be on that page. The content is about jobs and sending your resume.

    I thought it was maybe an issue with permalinks. I’ve checked and messed around with those but nothing. I then thought maybe pages were linking somehow, so I checked things there and don’t seem to find anything. Then thought maybe it was something with a plugin so I deactivated the plugins one-by-one and reactivated them and nothing. I also created a new Menu and recreated the page(s) and for some reason it still displays the information about jobs.

    The same jobs content shows up on several pages; Bill Pay Online, Financial Assistance, Calendar, Health Needs Assessment, etc.

    Has anyone else had this happen? Does anyone know a solution to the issue? Any ideas and/or insight is appreciated.


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  • ?? Insteresting problem. Firstly take a look at the widgets.

    Thread Starter JenRus


    Thanks for the reply. I am in the widgets section. What should I be looking for exactly?

    <!-- WP Super Cache is installed but broken. The constant WPCACHEHOME must be set in the file wp-config.php and point at the WP Super Cache plugin directory. -->

    start by fixing that plugin or its settings.
    if you need help, please post in https://www.ads-software.com/support/plugin/wp-super-cache

    then check all theme files if they have not been overwritten or changed by mistake.

    please contact your theme’s developer for support with the issue.

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