• Is it possible (or will it be posible in the future) to display pages in the sidebar according to groups or categories with the titles of each section listed along with their respective pages ?


    Travel Articles
    —- Page 1
    —- Page 6
    Campground Ratings
    —- Page 3
    RV Lifestyle
    —- Page 2
    —- Page 4
    —- Page 5


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  • i just make the pages like i would normaly in the admin panel, then i use my .htaccess to redirect the link htt://url.com/pageimade.php to the url https://url.com/index.php?page_id=ID# and then i make a section in my links for it and add the URL https://url.com/pageimade.php and it will goto that page id but will still show pageimade.php in the address bar.

    Thread Starter rvblog


    Not sure yet how to use the .htaccess to its fullest…

    … but, I don’t want my pages to be listed on my links page. I want them to be displayed where they are – in the sidebar group with the other items – and displayed in their own groups, each group having its own name.

    Exactly as in the example that I gave above.

    But thanks for the reply goten.

    Thread Starter rvblog


    Did I post my question in the wrong area ??

    There’s to be a tag specific to Page listings in 1.5, though I can’t say (yet) if it does what you ask. See this thread for more on it:


    You should be able to do that. According yo your example above: you need to make a page called “Travel Articles” and then make two more pages, “Page 1” and “Page 6” and set their parent to “Travel Articles”. And so forth.

    Then use wp_list_pages(); in your profile. Note that this tag is, as yet, undocumented, and may change a bit.

    Thread Starter rvblog


    That did the trick and should wrap up my page issues.

    Now I know how to “exclude” pages from being displayed for use with my navbar (from a previous post and this now resolves category issue and tree structure.

    Thanks very much.

    On another note:

    Do you know ( or do you know anybody else who may know) something about including or using wordpress headers and footers inside of a photo gallery ?? This is my last stumbling block to get my wordpress website up and running.

    Thread Starter rvblog


    Ok, I tried the parent thing and it does set pages in a tree structure which is what I’m looking for to group pages – but is there a way to make a parent page unselectable? – so that it acts as a category title with no link to it? ( to prevent people from linking to a blank page )

    The ideal solution would be to add this feature in WP1.5 :

    <?php list_pages(); ?>

    so that you could use both:

    <?php wp_list_pages(); ?>
    <?php list_pages(); ?>

    much the same way that you can when working with categories

    wp_list_pages('child_of=5&title_li=travel'); will only display the subcategories of parent category 5, with a heading of “travel”.

    You could call this function multiple times, one for each page parent. That way, it won’t make a link to the parent page, only it’s children (though you might want to consider putting general information about travel stuff on the parent page – that’s a stylistic question though). You may have to be clever about HTML markup and/or how you style your CSS, but it should work.

    Thread Starter rvblog


    Great, thanks mdawaffe

    That helps me out a lot.

    I appreciate it.

    Now I know how to “exclude” pages from being displayed for use with my navbar (from a previous post …

    Could you point me to that post? I’m having much difficulty finding it, or a solution to NOT displaying a child page I’ve created. I have a thank-you.php page that is the child of Contact-us and i DO NOT want the thank you page listed under “Pages”. please help. ??



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