• I have a WordPress multisite network with several sub-directories, and everything works fine.

    However, if I type the full URL of one of the sub-directory sites (for example https://www.manek.org.uk/photography), the browser actually loads the main site index (https://www.manek.org.uk) instead. This happens whether I include a trailing slash on the sub-directory URL or not.

    If I then re-type the URL a second time, after the main page has loaded, it works perfectly and takes me to the sub-directory I wanted in the first place. This is true in all the browsers I have tried.

    Any idea why this maybe happening? Or how I can resolve it?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Your photography site loaded fine for me. I would clear your browser cache. It’s pretty common.

    You can try an incognito window, that sometimes works.

    Thread Starter Kit Marsden


    Thank you. Was that from clicking the link in my original post? I’ve never had an issue with clicking a link, it’s only when I type the URL I want from scratch in a new tab that I have this problem (although I guess that could still be down to a cache issue, as you suggest)…

    Yes, I just clicked on the photography site thinking it might redirect, but it did not.

    Thread Starter Kit Marsden


    Ahh, I see. No, there’s never been any issues clicking a direct link.

    Here’s a quick screen record to show you what I mean:


    I also manually typed it in. Both sites work fine for me. I went from one to the other and still ok.

    Did you try opening a window incognito?

    Thread Starter Kit Marsden


    Exactly the same issue in Incognito mode!

    Although, I guess if I’m the only one experiencing this problem, that’s not such a bad thing. Ultimately, the websites are for other people, after all; I don’t need to go online to find out about my work, or look at my own photos!

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