Hey @chupaoor ,
Thanks for reviewing us, we’re really sorry to hear that! We’re doing our best to minimalize our the bundle and keep everything as fast as possible.
Your pagespeed score dropping with 10% is certainly not what our goal is (as we love conversions) and I’d like to let you know that we will investigate what we can do to improve that.
I’ll try to reply in as much detail as possible ??
Regarding FontAwesome
This is a setting you can turn off in the site settings in the Editor. There’s a toggle in Icon library
where you can turn off importing the library on your site.
Perhaps we can tackle this issue by asking if someone is already using FontAwesome on their site when publishing their buttons for the first time. We’ll see if we can improve this and added it to our to-do list.
Regarding ‘unused JS’ in Lighthouse
The metric in Lighthouse does not actually mean the JavaScript is not used, but the JavaScript file can be shorter as parts are currently not in use on that specific page.
We’re actually already investigating in lazy loading parts of our bundle as some parts are indeed not used on some sites.
Earlier this month we started trying out lazy loading code inside our editor to see if this impacts the user experience. We saw a huge bundle improvement and it didn’t seem to impact the user experience.
This mean that soon we’ll start experimenting on our frontend bundle size as well (the embed.js
) to improve loading speeds and minimalizing the bundle.
Perhaps, is it possible for you to contact us via our Buttonizer Community (by opening a ticket) or by contacting us via our contact form on our site? We’d like to ask you a few further questions, have you updated on these improvements and hear if our improvements will actually help improving the pagespeed.
Hope to hear from you soon, thanks in advance ??