• Resolved alegira


    Hi, I am getting the recommendation from pagespeed to serve scales images, as they are being scaled by css. As I have different sizes of covers and thumbnails, is there some way to have different thumbnails image sizes for each of them? thanks

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  • Thread Starter alegira


    Hi, wordpress is stocked at version for last 4 days. Could you please upload the new version to your beta test website for me to download it? thanks

    Plugin Author Jacob N. Breetvelt


    Thread Starter alegira


    thank you! already installed at chaotic-us.com

    Plugin Author Jacob N. Breetvelt


    1. I verifid you enabled lazy loading. (can see it in the page source)
    2. I verified you run the wppa-utlis.js that contains the diagnostics (can download from the page source)
    3. It logs nothing but the images show up.

    What i noticed is a heavy io with cloudflare. Pls de-activate it for a while, maybe can see more…

    Thread Starter alegira


    I paused all cloudflare services. Also ssl is now paused. Here is the link

    Plugin Author Jacob N. Breetvelt


    Stll no logmessages. I really do not understand.
    About the scroll issue: i see a few errors in firefox:

    fullPage: Option'scrollBar'is mutually exclusive with'scrollOverflow'. Sections with scrollOverflow might not work well in Firefox
    fullPage: Option 'scrollBar' is mutually exclusive with 'continuousVertical'; 'continuousVertical' disabled
    De bron op ‘https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtag/js?id=UA-35606063-6’ is geblokkeerd, omdat bescherming tegen volgen is ingeschakeld.[Meer info]
    Laden voor het <script> met bron ‘https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtag/js?id=UA-35606063-6’ is mislukt.
    Will-change-geheugengebruik is te hoog. Budgetlimiet is de oppervlakte van het document maal 3 (721920 px). Voorvallen van will-change boven het budget worden genegeerd.

    and: Will-change-geheugengebruik is te hoog i.e. Will-change memory usage is too high. I do not understand what that means…

    Plugin Author Jacob N. Breetvelt


    Please tick Table IX-A3: Allow WPPA+ Debugging. This will make the consolelog messages visible

    Thread Starter alegira


    Done. Would it help if you could login into my website? I can send you my credentials to your email

    Plugin Author Jacob N. Breetvelt


    The first 6 lines of thumbnails work as expected: at dom ready they are made visible.
    If i open the console first and do a reload, the first 4 lines (that are now visible in the smaller area) work as expected.
    Then: the ‘Will-change …’ error happens and the rest is made visible before scrolling.

    Pls find the cause of that error, or, maybe the same cause: the cause of the fact that the scrolling does not work.

    My email is opajaap at opajaap dot nl. I will look further tomorrow, my family first now…
    Have a nice sunday for what is left of it.

    Thread Starter alegira


    Ok, thank you very much for your time on this. Have a nice day.

    Plugin Author Jacob N. Breetvelt


    If you mail me your login credentials, i will have a further look.
    opajaap at opajaap dot nl
    You can also install the current dev version
    This gives more diagnostics, and will no longer assume an image is inside the window when the boundary rect can not be found. This should give some more info about what is going wrong.

    I want to fix this, not only for you but also to prevent problems in the future.

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