• cambridge15


    Hi there, I’m using paginate_links to display a pagination for an UL that displays it’s LIs full width to simulate internal pages within that page. The pagination works great for cycling through the LIs (fake child slide) but i’d like it to continue on through to the next child page and it’s LIs (fake child slides).

    Any ideas?

    – Child
    — Fake Child Slide
    — Fake Child Slide
    – Child
    — Fake Child Slide
    — Fake Child Slide
    — Fake Child Slide
    — Fake Child Slide

    			$big = 999999999;
    				echo paginate_links( array(
    					'base' => str_replace( $big, '%#%', esc_url( get_pagenum_link( $big ) ) ),
    					'format' => '?page=%#%',
    					'current' => $page,
    					'total' => $pages,
    					'prev_text'    => __('<img src="/cnyc/wp-content/themes/CNYC2015/_inc/img/left.png" />'),
    					'next_text'    => __('<img src="/cnyc/wp-content/themes/CNYC2015/_inc/img/right.png" />'),
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