• Hello all,
    I have looked around the forums and seen some things that look like pagination for WP. However, I want to be sure and ask for something specifically and see what you peeps turn up.
    When the categories start to fill up with posts and someone clicks on the category I want it so that if there are more then 5 ( most likely ) that the screen will show 5 and at the bottom have a pagination area so that they can get to page 2, 3, 4 >> .. whatever.
    Is there something like this built into 1.2 or is this something I have to find a hack for? If so,, then please tell me which is the best hack availalbe to achieve this.
    Kind regards,

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  • This has been accomplished generally speaking.
    the thread you want to read up on is actually called “vBulletin Style Page Navigation,” but i can’t seem to find it anymore either. That doesn’t mean it’s not here, it just means i am too stupid to successfully use a search feature (sorry.)
    so i’ll reproduce the essential contents here:
    /* WordPress 1.0 vBulletin Style Page Navigation
    * Last Updated On 28th Marchy 2004
    * Based On WP 1.1 Beta
    * Usage:
    * - Options > Other Options > Set what_to_show to Post Paged
    * - Copy the below function and paste it in my-hacks.php
    * - Edit your index.php file and place <?=page_navigation()?> to where you want it to be displayed.
    function page_navigation($before='', $after='', $prelabel='?? ', $nxtlabel=' ??') {
    global $p, $what_to_show, $request, $posts_per_page, $wpdb;
    global $HTTP_SERVER_VARS, $paged;
    global $querystring_start, $querystring_equal, $querystring_separator;
    if (empty($p) && ($what_to_show == 'paged')) {
    $nxt_request = $request;
    $whichpage = $_GET['paged'];
    if(empty($whichpage)) $whichpage = 1;
    if (!empty($qstr)) {
    $qstr = preg_replace("/&paged=\d{0,}/","",$qstr);
    $qstr = preg_replace("/paged=\d{0,}/","",$qstr);
    if ('' != $qstr = str_replace($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['SCRIPT_NAME'], '', $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['REQUEST_URI']) ) {
    $qstr = preg_replace("/^\//", "", $qstr);
    $qstr = preg_replace("/paged\/\d{0,}\//", "", $qstr);
    $qstr = preg_replace("/paged\/\d{0,}/", "", $qstr);
    $qstr = preg_replace("/\/$/", "", $qstr);
    if ($pos = strpos(strtoupper($request), 'LIMIT')) {
    $nxt_request = substr($request, 0, $pos);
    $nxt_result = $wpdb->query($nxt_request);
    $numposts = $wpdb->num_rows;
    $max_page = ceil($numposts / $posts_per_page) ;
    echo $before.'Pages ('.$max_page.') : <b>';
    if ($whichpage >= 4)
    echo '?? First ... ';
    for($i = $whichpage - 2 ; $i <= $whichpage +2; $i++) {
    if ($i >= 1 && $i <= $max_page) {
    if($i == $whichpage)
    echo '['.$i.'] ';
    echo ''.$i.' ';
    next_posts_link($nxtlabel, $max_page);
    if (($whichpage+2) < ($max_page))
    echo ' ... Last ??';
    echo '</b>'.$after;

    Now what i don’t know how to accomplish is what you are suggesting:
    add this pagination when a Category is selected and there are more posts within it than the page minimum posts shown can display (after a while with a blog, this would most likely be all categories, right?)
    how to address that without also adding this to the index.php i don’t know, but would really like to know.

    Well what’dya know…
    here’s the permalink to the original topic:

    Thread Starter gravity


    Thanks for the information.. I have to get RingMaster to create a plugin for this. It is needed quite badly..
    Hey RingMaster if you are around.. any chance? Read above for specific requirements.. I am sure if this was a plugin it would be a life saver.
    Thanks again…

    Already done. A simple search:

    Thread Starter gravity


    Well thank you both…
    One last question…
    Please Make Sure Post Paged Is Turned On?
    Where do you turn this on.. exactly..
    Kind regards,

    Thread Starter gravity


    based on the other thread.. do I still have to modify those things in order to the the next tabs to function?
    Also, any one want to comment on how I make the font of the pagination be more like my site..
    a simple <?php endif; ?><il><? page_navigation(); ?></il></div> did not work…. Can someone please cut me a piece of added CSS..
    Kind regards,

    Thread Starter gravity


    ( sigh ) sorry for so many questions.
    Where is “prev_next_links”?
    the only thing I did was add the code to the index page that blurb above and activate the plugin.
    So I have no idea where that is.. sorry..
    Kind regards,

    Thread Starter gravity


    ah crap.. I understand now..
    I missed the
    #prev_next_links {whatever you want}

    Thread Starter gravity


    I added this:
    #prev_next_links {
    color: fff;
    font-family: verdana, tahoma, arial, helvetica, geneva,
    sans-serif, bitstream vera sans;
    font-size: 10px;
    Not working.. did I do something wrong?
    Kind regard,

    see what happens when you follow a link and read up on error404.com’s blog?
    looks like you are in better hands than mine.
    glad you are sorted.

    Thread Starter gravity


    The reason it has the <il> tags is because that is what in the other thread the code was changed to in order to work:
    f you go to your site and you do not see the navigation at the bottom of your page, do this. In your index.php on the line that says
    <?php endif; ?> change it to look like this <?php endif; ?><il><? page_navigation(); ?></il></div> that should do it.
    So what I need is specifics.. I changed it to il and I have the code you gave…. but it is still wrong.. let me read above and see what else you are saying..

    Thread Starter gravity


    OK OK..
    so here is the scoop… What you do is:
    1. download the plugin
    2. upload plugin to /includes/plugins
    3. edit index.php and add change <?php endif; ?> to <?php endif; ?><? page_navigation(); ?></div>
    Now if you want to make it so that the ? page_navigation uses a different css option and has some padding what do we change above?
    The reason I re write this is for ease for someone else. So if you are available.. lets continue. I want to have the page option to the right of the content, not on the left or if it has to stay on the left I want it indented 10px.
    Please advise.

    Thread Starter gravity


    not sure what happened, but #3 is suppose to say
    <?php endif; ?><? page_navigation(); ?>
    and 4 should be activate plugin. Not sure if the code will take here.

    Thread Starter gravity


    < p > <?php endif; ?><? page_navigation(); ?></ p >

    Thread Starter gravity


    Where is that code.. are you replacing what I have above with what you posted above?

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