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  • Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    Please don’t bump, that’s not allowed here.

    What is the URL of the site you are having this pagination problem with?

    Thread Starter soufix


    Bumps are still not allowed; also, I moderated several duplicate topics which are also not tolerated here in the forum.
    if the solving of your problem is so urgent, consider to hire somebody;

    does this also happen if you temporarily switch to the default theme Twenty Fourteen?

    have you edited any of the templates?

    have you reviewed ?

    have you contacted the theme’s developer?
    you seem to be using the theme ‘Dilapidated’ which is not one of the supported themes from

    Thread Starter soufix


    this is my index.php if u can find the prb , plz 4 days same prb plz

    [ Moderator note: code fixed. Please wrap code in the backtick character or use the code button. ]

    global $options;
    foreach ($options as $value) {
    if (get_settings( $value['id'] ) === FALSE) { $$value['id'] = $value['std']; } else { $$value['id'] = get_settings( $value['id'] ); }
    <?php query_posts('paged='.$paged.'&cat='.$theme_home_cats); if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
    	<div class="post">
    		<h2><a>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h2>
    		<div class="meta">
    			Posted <?php if (function_exists('time_since')) {
    			echo time_since(abs(strtotime($post->post_date_gmt . " GMT")), time()) . " ago";
    			} else {
    			the_time('d M Y');
    			} ?> in <?php the_category(', '); ?> <?php edit_post_link('(Edit Post)'); ?>
    		<div class="clear"></div>
    		<?php if((get_post_meta($post->ID, 'ghostpool_thumbnail', true) OR has_post_thumbnail()) && ($theme_thumbnails == "0")) { ?>
    			<div class="image-preview">
    				<a>"><?php if(get_post_meta($post->ID, 'ghostpool_thumbnail', true)) { ?><img src="<?php echo(get_post_meta($post->ID, 'ghostpool_thumbnail', true)); ?>" class="wp-post-image" alt="" /><?php } else { ?><?php the_post_thumbnail(('thumbnail'), array('title' => '')); ?><?php } ?></a>
    		<?php } ?>	
    			<div class="post-excerpt">
    				<?php if($theme_homepage_text_display == "1") { ?>
    					<?php the_content(); ?>
    				<?php } else {?>
    					<p><?php echo excerpt(120); ?></p>
    				<?php } ?>
    			</div><!--End post excerpt-->
    		<div class="meta right">
    			<a>" rel="bookmark" title="<?php the_title(); ?>">Read More</a> / <?php comments_popup_link('0 Comments', '1 Comment', '% Comment', 'comments-link', '-'); ?>
    	</div><!--End post-->
    <?php endwhile; ?>
    	<?php wp_pagenavi(); ?>
    <?php else : ?>	
    	<div class="post">
    		<h3>Page Not Found</h3>
    <?php endif; wp_reset_query(); ?>
    <?php get_footer(); ?>

    make sure the variables $paged and $theme_home_cats are properly defined;

    review the Codex information, and apply it to:

    <?php query_posts('paged='.$paged.'&cat='.$theme_home_cats); if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>

    in any case, using query_posts() in this way is not recommended – review

    if the line is the original code from your theme, then you have to contact the theme’s developer.

    this forum here can only really help with themes which are from

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