Pagination Issue after updating to v3.2.16
Hello …
The Pagination links on our sites has appeared to stop working after updating WPM from 3.2.15 to 3.2.16 even though the changelog reports an issue has been fixed with this.
Pagination has stopped working, even though the url changes.3.2.15
Pagination is working correctly.Can you help?
Many Thanks
Hi @shafk
Hope you are well.
It’s working fine in our test environment.
Can you please let us know the exact shortcode you are using on the page?
Because I saw that your page is reloading while changing the page which should not reload.
However, Can you please clear your site/browser/CDN caches if you have any? Also, there can be a conflict with another plugin, can you please enable/disable other plugins for checking, you may also switch the theme to another for checking, please let me know then.
Thank YouHi @humayonk
The shortcode i’m using is as follows:
[wpdm-all-packages categories=”policies” order_by=”title” order=”ASC” paging=”1″]
Can you confirm if this is OK?We dont have any CDN caches on the site or our knowledge.
Many Thanks
Please try this shortcode instead:[wpdm-all-packages categories="policies" order_by="title" order="ASC" items_per_page="5"]
It’s working fine on my test.
I hope it will work for you too.
The Shortcode details page can be found here.
Thank YouHi @humayonk
I’ve just tried using the shortcode:
[wpdm-all-packages categories="policies" order_by="title" order="ASC" items_per_page="5"]
Unfortnatley that didnt help ??’ve not sure if this is the issue but i’m using a customised version of all-packages-shortcode.php which is added to my theme’s directory.
The contents of the file is as follows:
<?php if (!defined('ABSPATH')) die(); if(!is_array($params)) $params = array(); $p = serialize($params); $tid = md5($p); if(!isset($params['items_per_page'])) $params['items_per_page'] = 20; $cols = isset($params['cols'])?$params['cols']:'page_link|download_link'; $colheads = isset($params['colheads'])?$params['colheads']:'Title|Download'; $cols = explode("|", $cols); $colheads = explode("|", $colheads); foreach ($cols as $index => &$col){ $col = explode(",", $col); $colheads[$index] = !isset($colheads[$index])?$col[0]:$colheads[$index]; } $column_positions = array(); //$coltemplate['title'] = $coltemplate['post_title'] = "%the_title%"; $coltemplate['page_link'] = "<a href=\"%s\">%s</a>"; if(isset($params['jstable']) && $params['jstable']==1): $_cols = explode("|", wpdm_valueof($params, 'cols', ['default' => ''])); $datatable_col = ( isset($params['order_by']) && $params['order_by'] == 'title' ) ? '0' : array_search(wpdm_valueof($params, 'order_by'), $_cols); if(!$datatable_col || $datatable_col < 0) $datatable_col = 0; $datatable_order = ( isset($params['order']) && $params['order'] == 'DESC' ) ? 'desc' : 'asc'; ?> <script src="<?php echo WPDM_BASE_URL.'assets/js/jquery.dataTables.min.js' ?>"></script> <script src="<?php echo WPDM_BASE_URL.'assets/js/dataTables.bootstrap4.min.js' ?>"></script> <link href="<?php echo WPDM_BASE_URL.'assets/css/jquery.dataTables.min.css' ?>" rel="stylesheet" /> <script> jQuery(function($){ var __dt = $('#wpdmmydls-<?php echo $tid; ?>').dataTable({ "dom": '<"wpdmdt-toolbar"lfrB>t<"wpdmdt-toolbarb"ip>', responsive: true, "order": [[ <?php echo $datatable_col; ?>, "<?php echo $datatable_order; ?>" ]], "language": { "lengthMenu": "<?php _e("Display _MENU_ downloads per page",'download-manager')?>", "zeroRecords": "<?php _e("Nothing _START_ to - sorry",'download-manager')?>", "info": "<?php _e("Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ downloads",'download-manager')?>", "infoEmpty": "<?php _e("No downloads available",'download-manager')?>", "infoFiltered": "<?php _e("(filtered from _MAX_ total downloads)",'download-manager');?>", "emptyTable": "<?php _e("No data available in table",'download-manager');?>", "infoPostFix": "", "thousands": ",", "loadingRecords": "<?php _e("Loading...",'download-manager'); ?>", "processing": "<?php _e("Processing...",'download-manager'); ?>", "search": "<?php _e("Search:",'download-manager'); ?>", "paginate": { "first": "<?php _e("First",'download-manager'); ?>", "last": "<?php _e("Last",'download-manager'); ?>", "next": "<?php _e("Next",'download-manager'); ?>", "previous": "<?php _e("Previous",'download-manager'); ?>" }, "aria": { "sortAscending": " : <?php _e("activate to sort column ascending",'download-manager'); ?>", "sortDescending": ": <?php _e("activate to sort column descending",'download-manager'); ?>" } }, "iDisplayLength": <?php echo $params['items_per_page'] ?>, "aLengthMenu": [[<?php echo $params['items_per_page']; ?>, 10, 25, 50, -1], [<?php echo $params['items_per_page']; ?>, 10, 25, 50, "<?php _e("All",'download-manager'); ?>"]] }); <?php if(count($_GET) > 0){ ?> $("div.wpdmdt-toolbar .dataTables_filter").append('<a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" style="margin-top: -5px;border: 0;"><?= esc_attr__( 'Reset Filter', WPDM_TEXT_DOMAIN ); ?></a>'); <?php } ?> }); </script> <?php endif; ?> <style> .wpdmdt-toolbar { padding: 10px 10px 0 10px; } .wpdmdt-toolbarb { padding: 5px 10px 10px; } .wpdmdt-toolbar > div { display: inline-block; } table,td,th{ border: 0; } .dataTables_wrapper .table{ margin: 0; } #wpdmmydls-<?php echo $tid; ?>{ border-bottom: 1px solid #dddddd; border-top: 1px solid #dddddd; font-size: 10pt; min-width: 100%; } .w3eden .pagination{ margin: 0 !important; } #wpdmmydls-<?php echo $tid; ?> td:not(:first-child){ vertical-align: middle !important; } #wpdmmydls-<?php echo $tid; ?> td.__dt_col_download_link, #wpdmmydls-<?php echo $tid; ?> th#download_link{ max-width: 155px !important; width: 155px; } #wpdmmydls-<?php echo $tid; ?> th{ background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.04); border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.025); } #wpdmmydls-<?php echo $tid; ?>_length label, #wpdmmydls-<?php echo $tid; ?>_filter label{ font-weight: 400; } #wpdmmydls-<?php echo $tid; ?>_filter input[type=search]{ display: inline-block; width: 200px; } #wpdmmydls-<?php echo $tid; ?>_length select{ display: inline-block; width: 60px; } #wpdmmydls-<?php echo $tid; ?> .package-title{ color:#36597C; font-size: 11pt; font-weight: 700; } #wpdmmydls-<?php echo $tid; ?> .small-txt{ margin-right: 7px; } #wpdmmydls-<?php echo $tid; ?> td{ min-width: 150px; } #wpdmmydls-<?php echo $tid; ?> td.__dt_col_categories{ max-width: 300px; } #wpdmmydls-<?php echo $tid; ?> .small-txt, #wpdmmydls-<?php echo $tid; ?> small{ font-size: 9pt; } .w3eden .table-striped tbody tr:nth-of-type(2n+1) { background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.015); } .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_paginate .paginate_button:active, .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_paginate .paginate_button:focus, .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_paginate .paginate_button:hover, .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_paginate .paginate_button{ margin: 0 !important; padding: 0 !important; border: 0 !important; background: transparent !important; } @media (max-width: 799px) { #wpdmmydls-<?php echo $tid; ?> tr { display: block; border: 3px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.3) !important; margin-bottom: 10px !important; position: relative; } #wpdmmydls-<?php echo $tid; ?> thead{ display: none; } #wpdmmydls-<?php echo $tid; ?>, #wpdmmydls-<?php echo $tid; ?> td:first-child { border: 0 !important; } #wpdmmydls-<?php echo $tid; ?> td { display: block; } #wpdmmydls-<?php echo $tid; ?> td.__dt_col_download_link { display: block; max-width: 100% !important; width: auto !important; } } .w3eden .table th, .w3eden .table td { padding: .75rem; padding-left: 0.75rem; vertical-align: middle; border: 0; border-top-color: currentcolor; border-top-style: none; border-top-width: 0px; border-top: 1px solid #dee2e6; } </style> <div class="w3eden"> <div id="wpdm-all-packages"> <table id="wpdmmydls-<?php echo $tid; ?>" class="table table-striped wpdm-all-packages-table"> <thead> <tr> <th class=""><?php _e('Title','wpdmpro'); ?></th> <th style="width: 100px;"><?php _e('Download','wpdmpro'); ?></th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php $cfurl = get_permalink(); $query_params = array("post_type"=>"wpdmpro","posts_per_page"=>$items,"offset"=>$offset); if(isset($tax_query)) $query_params['tax_query'] = $tax_query; $query_params['orderby'] = (isset($params['order_by']))?$params['order_by']:'date'; $order_field = isset($params['order_by']) ? $params['order_by'] : 'date'; $order = isset($params['order']) ? $params['order'] : 'DESC'; $order_fields = array('__wpdm_download_count','__wpdm_view_count','__wpdm_package_size_b'); if(!in_array( "__wpdm_".$order_field, $order_fields)) { $query_params['orderby'] = $order_field; $query_params['order'] = $order; } else { $query_params['orderby'] = 'meta_value_num'; $query_params['meta_key'] = "__wpdm_".$order_field; $query_params['order'] = $order; } if(is_array(wpdm_query_var('tax'))){ foreach (wpdm_query_var('tax') as $tax => $term) { $query_params['tax_query'][] = [ 'taxonomy' => $tax, 'field' => 'slug', 'terms' => [$term] ]; $query_params['tax_query']['relation'] = 'AND'; } } $taxonomies = get_object_taxonomies( 'wpdmpro' ); $q = new WP_Query($query_params); $total_files = $q->found_posts; while ($q->have_posts()): $q->the_post(); $ext = "unknown"; $data = WPDM()->package->prepare(get_the_ID())->packageData; //wpdmdd($data); global $post; $data += (array)$post; $data['id'] = $data['ID']; $data['files'] = WPDM()->package->getFiles(get_the_ID()); //$author = get_user_by('id', $post->post_author); $data['author'] = $data['author_name']; if(isset($data['files'])&&count($data['files'])){ if(count($data['files']) == 1) { $tmpavar = $data['files']; $ffile = $tmpvar = array_shift($tmpavar); $tmpvar = explode(".", $tmpvar); $ext = count($tmpvar) > 1 ? end($tmpvar) : $ext; } else $ext = 'zip'; } else $data['files'] = array(); foreach ($taxonomies as $taxonomy) { $terms = wp_get_post_terms(get_the_ID(), $taxonomy); $_terms = array(); foreach ($terms as $term) { $lurl = add_query_arg(['tax' => [$taxonomy => $term->slug]], $cfurl); $_terms[] = "<a class='sbyc' href='{$lurl}'>{$term->name}</a>"; } $_terms = @implode(", ", $_terms); $data[$taxonomy] = $_terms; } if($ext=='') $ext = 'unknown'; $ext = \WPDM\__\FileSystem::fileTypeIcon($ext); if(isset($data['icon']) && $data['icon'] !== '') $ext = $data['icon']; if(isset($params['thumb']) && (int)$params['thumb'] == 1) $ext = wpdm_thumb($post, array(96,104), 'url'); $data['download_url'] = ''; $data['download_link'] = WPDM()->package->downloadLink($data['ID'], 0, array('template_type' => 'link')); $data = apply_filters("wpdm_after_prepare_package_data", $data); $download_link = htmlspecialchars_decode($data['download_link']); if(((isset($data['base_price']) && $data['base_price'] > 0) || (isset($data['pay_as_you_want']) && (int)$data['pay_as_you_want'] === 1)) && function_exists('wpdmpp_currency_sign')) $download_link = wpdmpp_waytocart($data, 'btn-primary'); if(WPDM()->package->userCanAccess($data['ID']) || !get_option("_wpdm_hide_all", 0)){ ?> <tr class="__dt_row"> <?php $tcols = $cols; array_shift($tcols); foreach ($cols as $colx => $cold){ $dor = array('publish_date' => strtotime(get_the_date('Y-m-d')), 'create_date' => strtotime(get_the_date('Y-m-d')), 'update_date' => strtotime(get_the_modified_date('Y-m-d', get_the_ID()))); ?> <td <?php if(in_array($cold[0], array('publish_date', 'update_date','create_date'))) { ?> data-order="<?php echo $dor[$cold[0]]; ?>" <?php } ?> class="__dt_col_<?php echo $colx; ?> __dt_col __dt_col_<?php echo $cold[0]; ?>" <?php if($colx == 0) { ?>style="background-image: url('<?php echo $ext ; ?>');background-size: 36px;background-position: 5px 8px;background-repeat: no-repeat;padding-left: 52px;line-height: normal;"<?php } ?>> <?php foreach ($cold as $cx => $c){ $cxc = ($cx > 0)?'small-txt':''; switch ($c) { case 'title': echo "<strong>".get_the_title()."</strong><br/>"; break; case 'page_link': echo "".get_the_title().""; break; case 'excerpt': case (preg_match('/excerpt_.+/', $c) ? true : false) : $xcol = explode("_", $c); $len = isset($xcol[1])?$xcol[1]:false; $cont = strip_tags($data['post_content']); if(!$len) echo "<div class='__dt_excerpt {$cxc}'>".get_the_excerpt()."</div>"; else { $excerpt = strlen($cont) > $len?substr($cont, 0, strpos($cont, ' ', $len)):$cont; echo "<div class='__dt_excerpt {$cxc}'>" . $excerpt . "</div>"; } break; case 'download_count': if($cx > 0) echo "<span class='__dt_download_count {$cxc}'><i class=\"far fa-arrow-alt-circle-down\"></i> ". (isset($data['download_count'])?$data['download_count']:0)." ".(isset($data['download_count']) && $data['download_count'] > 1 ? __('downloads','download-manager') : __('download','download-manager'))."</span>"; else echo "<span class=\"hidden-md hidden-lg td-mobile\">{$colheads[$colx]}: </span><span class='__dt_download_count {$cxc}'>{$data['download_count']}</span>"; break; case 'view_count': if($cx > 0) echo "<span class='__dt_view_count {$cxc}'><i class=\"fa fa-eye\"></i> ". (isset($data['view_count'])?$data['view_count']:0)." ".(isset($data['view_count']) && $data['view_count'] > 1 ? __('views','download-manager') : __('view','download-manager'))."</span>"; else echo "<span class=\"hidden-md hidden-lg td-mobile\">{$colheads[$colx]}: </span><span class='__dt_view_count'>{$data['view_count']}</span>"; break; case 'categories': echo "<span class='__dt_categories {$cxc}'>".$data['wpdmcategory']."</span>"; break; case 'tags': echo "<span class='__dt_categories {$cxc}'>".$data['wpdmtag']."</span>"; break; case 'update_date': echo "<span class='__dt_update_date {$cxc}'>".get_the_modified_date('', get_the_ID())."</span>"; break; case 'publish_date': echo "<span class='__dt_publish_date {$cxc}'>".get_the_date()."</span>"; break; case 'download_link': echo $download_link ? $download_link : '<button type="button" disabled="disabled" class="btn btn-danger btn-block">'.__( "Download", "download-manager" ).'</button>'; break; case 'audio_player': $data['files'] = WPDM()->package->getFiles($data['ID']); echo WPDM()->package->audioPlayer($data, true, 'success'); break; default: if(isset($data[$c])) { if ($cx > 0) echo "<span class='__dt_{$c} {$cxc}'>" . $data[$c] . "</span>"; else echo $data[$c]; } break; }} if($colx == 0) echo '<div class="hidden-md hidden-lg td-mobile"></div>'; ?> </td> <?php } ?> </tr> <?php } endwhile; ?> <?php if((!isset($params['jstable']) || $params['jstable']==0) && $total_files==0): ?> <tr> <td colspan="4" class="text-center"> <?php echo isset($params['no_data_msg']) && $params['no_data_msg']!=''?$params['no_data_msg']:__('No Packages Found','download-manager'); ?> </td> </tr> <?php endif; ?> </tbody> </table> <?php global $wp_rewrite,$wp_query; isset($wp_query->query_vars['paged']) && $wp_query->query_vars['paged'] > 1 ? $current = $wp_query->query_vars['paged'] : $current = 1; $pagination = array( 'base' => @add_query_arg('paged','%#%'), 'format' => '', 'total' => ceil($total_files/$items), 'current' => $cp, 'show_all' => false, 'type' => 'list', 'prev_next' => True, 'prev_text' => '<i class="fa fa-long-arrow-left"></i> '.__('Previous', 'download-manager'), 'next_text' => __('Next', 'download-manager').' <i class="fa fa-long-arrow-right"></i>', ); if( $wp_rewrite->using_permalinks() ) $pagination['base'] = user_trailingslashit( trailingslashit( remove_query_arg('s',get_pagenum_link(1) ) ) . 'page/%#%/', 'paged'); if( !empty($wp_query->query_vars['s']) ) $pagination['add_args'] = array('s'=>get_query_var('s')); echo "<div class='text-center'>".str_replace("<ul class='page-numbers'>","<ul class='page-numbers pagination pagination-centered'>",paginate_links($pagination))."</div>"; wp_reset_query(); ?> </div> </div>
Thank you
Hello @humayonk
I think i’ve got around it – I’ve ended up deleting the custom template file and used the default one with the following shortcode:
[wpdm-all-packages categories="policies" order_by="title" order="ASC" cols="title|download_link" colheads="Title|Download"]
Just one thing – the package title appears to be in bold, how can I remove the bold tags around this?
Many Thanks
Hi @shafk
In that case please add the below CSS code inAppearance>Customize>Additional CSS
which should resolve your issue..w3eden #wpdm-all-packages strong { font-weight: normal; }
Thank You
Perfect @humayonk
Thank you for your help.
You are welcome.
If you get some free moments, please give us a 5* here and add your valuable review about our plugin, it will inspire us a lot.
Have a good day.
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