• Hi guys,

    I am having issues with the pagination. I just upgraded to WP 4.1 and it stopped working.

    Although, i am able to display all the pages when runing this command print_r($arr[‘paginate’]) when i click on one page it works the first time. then the page is always the same.

    For example, if this would the pages : 1,2,3,4 if i click on the page 3 then all the pages will have the same href “?own-page=3”

    This is happening only on WP 4.1

    Any help?

    if (! empty( $wp_user_query->results ))
    			$arr['total'] = $total_users;
    			$arr['paginate'] = paginate_links( array(
    					'base'         => @add_query_arg('own-page','%#%'),
    					'total'        => $total_pages,
    					'current'      => $page,
    					'show_all'     => false,
    					'end_size'     => 1,
    					'mid_size'     => 2,
    					'prev_next'    => true,
    					'prev_text'    => __('? Previous','mylocalization'),
    					'next_text'    => __('Next ?','mylocalization'),
    					'type'         => 'plain',
    			$arr['users'] = $wp_user_query->results;
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  • jack randall


    try resetting the theme back to wordpress’ default theme and see if that makes a difference.

    what theme are you using and what plugins (active and inactive) do you have on your site?

    Thread Starter sebastian.dickel


    Thanks jack randall,

    Yeah, it happens with all themes.

    I’m using users ultra https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/users-ultra/

    It was working until I’ve updated to WP 4.1.

    I’ve contacted the author and they gave me a reasonable explanation. In other words, i switched back to WP 4.0 and everything works well. The issue is when upgrading to WP 4.1

    Any idea?

    Thread Starter sebastian.dickel


    Actually, the pages with the links are generated. what’s wrong is the href which is always the same. it looks like ‘%#%’ is not working when using a custom “query”

    jack randall


    what other plugins have you got on your site? (active and inactive) it could one of them causing the problem…

    Thread Starter sebastian.dickel


    i just installed a fresh installation with WP 4.0 everything works well. however, when i upgrade to WP 4.1 the issue happens again.

    jack randall


    if it’s a fresh install and the issue still happens then i’d suggest it’s a server environment issue…

    Thread Starter sebastian.dickel


    i am checking other users plugin and the same result. i will also check a fresh installation on another server.
    thanks Jack

    Thread Starter sebastian.dickel


    Here there is a link on a different server with both version, 4.0 and 4.1

    WP 4.1 with issues on pagination https://scriptse.com/wordpress_4/?page_id=8

    WP 4.0 working well https://scriptse.com/wordpress/?page_id=9

    Same plugin different sever.

    I’ve checked in on at least 3 different servers.

    Any thought?

    Thread Starter sebastian.dickel


    I have another fresh installation on a different server and a different users plugin that does the same. i just don’t wish to put the link here on WP forums because it’s a paid plugin

    Thread Starter sebastian.dickel


    on this installation WP 4.1 with issues on pagination https://scriptse.com/wordpress_4/?page_id=8 please make sure to play a little bit with the pages, you will find out what i am talking about.

    jack randall


    ok, after a process of elimination i’m going to suggest that the problem is the plugin.

    you’ve tried it on v4.0.x and v4.1 and with different themes and different installations and the only common denominator is the plugin. it says on the plugin page that it’s compatible up to 4.1 but it seems there’s a bug in it. try getting support from the plugin developer, it’s probably something quite simple that they can sort quickly.

    Thread Starter sebastian.dickel


    thanks for your time. since it’s happening with at least 3 other similar plugins i use. do you think that something changed on WP 4.1 that’s making the “paginate_links” not working the same way?

    Any thought would be highly appreciated.

    jack randall


    what other plugins are you using?

    Thread Starter sebastian.dickel


    they are not free plugin, i guess i can just mention it here, “userpro”

    Thread Starter sebastian.dickel


    also, i’ve realized that if i use this “‘base’ => @add_query_arg(‘paged’,’%#%’)”, somehow it works well. however, if i try to use my own prefix, example @add_query_arg(‘my-own-prefix’,’%#%’) then it fails.

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